Articles by keyword diffusion
Numerical Impact Analysis of Copper Conductor Oxidation on its Parameters
© G.V. Kuznetsov, G.Y. Mamontov, A.V. Titov
Arising Dynamic Chaos in Quantum Systems
V. A. Buts
Role of Temperature Gradients and Convective-Diffusion Processes in Mechanisms of Biological Effects of Millimeter Waves
O.V. Betsky, A.S. Kozmin, E.E. Khizhnyak, E.P.Khizhnyak, M.A. Tsyganov, Yu.G. Yaremenko
The Investigation of Existence and Stability of Solutions of Differential Systems of Ecological Dynamics with Regard to Competition and Diffusion
O. V. Druzhinina, O. N. Masina
Influence of Connection Delay on Processes of Oscillations Interaction in the Connected System with Chaotic Dynamics
E.V. Kal-yanov, V.I. Kalinin
Spread of Clinical Information Systems and Model of Diffusion of Innovations
E. E. Shulman, G. Z. Rot, E. I. Shulman
Role of Microconvection in thin Interfacial Layers of Liquids in Mechanisms of Biological Effects of Non-Thermal Intensities Millimeter Waves
E.E. Khizhnyak, E.P. Khizhnyak, O.V. Betsky, Yu.g. Yaremenko, A.S. Kozmin
Estimation of stability in the onboard information complex as the problem about probability of greater deviation of the indignant dynamic system
S. A. Dubovik, Yu. I. Nechaev
Estimation of Proximity Effect For Creation Nanoscale Bioactive Structures When the Charge is Injected into Thin Films of Polymethylmethacrylate
A.S. Sitnikov, V.A. Smolar
The effect of the nature of a solvent and hydrogenation stimulators on the kinetics of the hydrogen evolution reaction on iron and its diffusion through a steel membrane
I.V. Zarapina, N.V. Shell, E.Yu. Kopylova, V.I. Vigdorovich
Features of Fastening of Ferrite Elements on Metal Cases of Radio-Electronic Devices
O. Yu. Zhevalev, G. V. Koniushkov, L. E. Kuts
Molecular diffusion processes during the formation of organic planar nanostructures based on phthalocyanines
S. H. Djanibekova, I. E. Protsenko, R. N. Rizahanov
Estimation of Proximity Effect For Creation Nanoscale Bioactive Structures When the Charge is Injected into Thin Films of Polymethylmethacrylate
A.S. Sitnikov, V.A. Smolar
Molecular diffusion processes during the formation of organic planar nanostructures based on phthalocyanines
L.A. Kondrachenko, E.S. Leonov, P.A. Luchnikov, L.G. Pakhomov , V.V. Travkin
Reversible thermal gate
A.A. Balagur
Peculiarities of Endogenouse Carbon Monoxide (CO) Diffusion Thrugh The Lung Membrane at Breath Holding
E.V. Stepanov, Yu.A. Shulagin, E.V. Babarskov, A.I. Diachenko, A.V. Koval, E.A. Tischenko
Nonlinear algorithm of detection of signal with unknown amplitude and times of appearing and disappearing
А.P. Trifonov, Yu.E. Korchagin, P.A. Kondratovich
Estimations of arrival time and duration of a signal with unknown amplitude
А.P. Trifonov, Yu.E. Korchagin, P.A. Kondratovich
Diffusion tensor MRI in brain microstructure and connectivity investigations
K.A. Il-yasov, A.V. Aganov, B.W. Kreher
Straggling-diffusion approximation of kinetic transport equation for electrons
V.A. Smolar, V.S. Zhalnina, A.S. Burakov
Peculiarities of bismuth nitride formation processes on the surface of nanosized bismuth films
L.N. Bugerko, V.E. Surovaya, E.P. Surovoy
Integrated design of microwave vacuum electron devices with decoupling ferrite elements
G.V. Koniushkov, V.A. Neganov, V.N. Makarov, O.Yu. Zhevalev, V.G. Koniushkov
High-temperature strength of iron garnets in soldering and diffusion welding conditions
G.V. Koniushkov, O.Yu. Zhevalev, L.E. Kuts, V.G. Koniushkov, N.A. Vavilina
The Effects of Exposure to Fast Electron Radiation on High-Frequency Si PIN diodes and Schottky Barrier Diodes
O.R. Abdullaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Vice-Director on R&D, JSC «Optron». E-mail:
A.S. Drenin - Senior Engineer of Design Department, JSC «Optron». E-mail:
P.B. Lagov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair for Semiconductor Electronics and Semiconductor Physics, MISiS. E-mail:
M.Yu. Filatov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Vice-Director of Design Department, JSC «Optron». E-mail:
Influence of pyridine on hydrogen evolution reaction kinetics on iron in acidic chloride media
D.V. Balybin - Ph.D. (Chem.), Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
V.I. Vigdorovich - Dr.Sc. (Chem.), Professor, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
L.E. Tsygankova - Dr.Sc. (Chem.), Professor, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
O.Yu. Kuzina - Master Student, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
Simulation of instability oregonators with diffusion
L.А. Prokudina - Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Professor, Applied Mathematics Department, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk. E-mail:
Passive transport of ions through the membrane with low intense SHF influence at steady-state conditions
N.V. Gretsova - Ph.D. (Мed.), Associate Professor, Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
A.A. Nikitin - Post-graduate Student, 6-th year, Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
Modern measuring instruments based on molecular electronic transducers
A.S. Shabalina - Research Scientist, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ООО "R-sensors". E-mail:
D.L. Zajcev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ООО "R-sensors", ООО "Nordlb". E-mail:
E.V. Egorov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ООО "R-sensors". E-mail:
I.V. Egorov - Research Scientist, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ООО "Seismologica". E-mail:
A.N. Antonov - Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ООО "Nordlb". E-mail:
A.S. Bugaev - Academician of RAS, Head of Department «Vacuum electronics», Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Deputy Director, Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS Fryazino branch. E-mail:
V.M. Agafonov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ООО "R-sensors", ООО "Seismologica". E-mail:
V.G. Krishtop - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials RAS, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ООО "Seismologica". E-mail:
Application of the near-field scanning microwave microscope to study the distribution of the charge carrier concentration and electric field in the GaAs Gunn diode
D.A. Usanov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of the Department "Solid State Physics", Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevskii. E mail:
S.S. Gorbatov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department "Solid State Physics", Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevskii. E-mail:
A.V. Fadeev - Post-graduate Student, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevskii. E-mail:
Terahertz two-dimensional plasmons in active graphene with diffusion pumping
I.M. Moiseenko - Post-graduate Student, Saratov State University.Е-mail: M.Yu. Morozov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Researcher, Kotelnikov IRE RAS (Saratov Branch) A.R. Davoyan - Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, USA. V.V. Popov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory, Kotelnikov IRE RAS (Saratov Branch)
Evaporation of a spherical liquid drop with varying radius as non-Markov random process
A.N. Morozov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Physics Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail: A.V. Skripkin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate professor, Department of Physics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. E-mail:
Diffusion-weighted MRI in assessment and analysis of structural connectome of the human brain
Neurovisualisation of Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail: B.M. Velichkovsky - Dr.Sc. (Psychol.), Head of Department of Neurocognitive and Socio-Humanitarian Sciences, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail:
Structural and functional connectome of the human brain
V.L. Ushakov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Head of Laboratory of Cognitive Brain Function Neurovisualisation, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail: V.V. Zavyalova - Research-engineer, Laboratory of Cognitive Brain Function Neurovisualisation, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail: V.A. Orlov - Research-engineer, Laboratory of Cognitive Brain Function Neurovisualisation, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail: S.I. Kartashov - Research-engineer, Laboratory of Cognitive Brain Function Neurovisualisation, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail: M.G. Sharaev - Research-engineer, Laboratory of Cognitive Brain Function Neurovisualisation, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail: A.A. Poyda - Ph.D. (Phis.-Math.), Head of Laboratory, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research Centre «Kurchatov institute» (Moscow). E-mail: B.M. Velichkovsky - Dc.Sc. (Psychol.), Head of Department of Neurocognitive and Socio-humanitarian Sciences, Kurchatov-s complex of NBICS-technologies, National Research centre "Kurchatov institute" (Moscow). E-mail:
Estimation of speed-error influence on stability boundaries of algorithms estimating range and radial velocity in radar stations using LFM signal
M.A. Trofimenko - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika». E-mail: V.E. Farber - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika», Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). E-mail:
Influence of range-Doppler coupling on the stability of αβγ-filter and Kalman filters
M.A. Trofimenko - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow). E-mail: V.E. Farber - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow), Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University). E-mail:
Imitating model of a goniometric way coordinates definition on the basis of three-dot measuring instruments of a phase
Yu.L. Koziratsky - Honored Scientist of RF, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail: M.L. Parinov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) S.V. Petrenkov - Lecturer, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E.A. Mamadzhanjan - Post-graduate Student, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)
Assessment of the intra-and inter-hemispheric connectivity and functional state of hemispheres in patients with chronic stroke
A.S. Limonova - Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Research Centre of Neurology, Moscow E-mail: M.A. Nazarova - Ph.D.(Med.), Research Scientist, National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Centre for Cognition and Decision Making, Moscow; Junior Research Scientist, Research Center of Neurology, Moscow E-mail: S.P. Kulikova - Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies National research University Higher School of Ecnomics E-mail: L.A. Dobrynina - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Research Centre of Neurology, Moscow E-mail: M.A. Piradov - Academician RAS, Professor, Director, Research Centre of Neurology, Moscow E-mail: R.N. Konovalov - Ph. D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Research Centre of Neurology, Moscow E-mail:
Mechanisms of diffusive processes in cathode materials with stabilize metallic film under radioactive impact of electrons, ions and atoms

M.N. Esaulov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow)


A.V. Chelenko – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


V.V. Maksimov – Senior Lecturer, 

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


N.I. Pchelintseva – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


Analysis of the behavior of search engine optimization algorithms on transient modes of non-stationary simulation processes

D.V. Stroganov1, V.A. Micheev2, V.M. Chernenky3

1 Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI) (Moscow, Russia)

2,3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Stability of characteristics of nanostructured transparent conductive layers based on zinc oxide

A.Kh. Abduev1, A.Sh. Asvarov2, A.K. Akhmedov3, S.V. Agasieva4, V.V. Belyaev5, A.S. Borisova6, L.S. Flyzhnikova7, F.M.A. Abdelrkhman8

1, 4–8 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia),
2, 3 Institute of Physics, Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Makhachkala, Republic Dagestan)
5 Moscow State Regional University (Mytishchi, Moscow Region, Russia)

Distribution of space charge in a magnetized gas-discharge plasma bounded by plane dielectric walls

A.S. Bankovskiy – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department «Electronic Instruments and Devices», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

A.A. Zakharov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Electronic Instruments and Devices», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


A.A. Potapov – Undergraduate, Department «Electronic Instruments and Devices», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


Range-Doppler coupling compensation algorithms for tracking filter

M.A. Murzova – Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University); 

Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)


V.E. Farber – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow);  Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)


Kalman filter with range-Doppler coupling compensation: choice of diffusion coefficients

M.A. Murzova – Post-graduate Student, 

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University); Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)


Estimation of stability boundaries of first-order suboptimal filters with range-Doppler coupling compensation

M.A. Murzova – Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University);  Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)


V.E. Farber – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow); 

Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University State University)


Experimental and numerical studies of the monostatic RCS reduction efficiency of the non-absorbing digital 2 bit planar meta-covers

A.I. Semenikhin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Antennas and Radio Transmitters Department Scopus ID 55361276300; Researcher ID B-5893-2017; SPIN 5609-3793


P.V. Blagovisnyy – Engineer; Postgraduate of the Antennas and Radio Transmitters Department  of the Radio engineering systems and control institute of the Southern Federal University


A.V. Malinka – Ph.D. (Military), Head of a Department 


A.O. Tektinov – Engineer 

Improve the reliability of the technology forming the base region of the transistors operational amplifiers

K.V. Popova – Student, Department ЭИУ4, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


S.A. Adarchin – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department ЭИУ4, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:

V.G. Kosushkin – Head of Department ЭИУ4, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


E.G. Peryshkin – Deputy Main Technologist, JSC "VOSHOD"-KRLZ E-mail:

Modeling of technological process of formation of high-speed diodes

V.V. Andreev – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:

S.V. Ryzhov – Master, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU


A.V. Romanov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:

Influence of the range Doppler coupling error on the characteristics of second-order diffusion filters

V.E. Farber1, M.A. Murzova2

1,2 PJSC “Radiofizika” (Moscow, Russia)

1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University) (Dolgoprudny, Russia)

1; 2

The influence of defects on conduction processes in chalcogenide semiconductor compounds

T.T. Magkoev1, D.G. Mustafaeva2

1 North Ossetian State University (Vladikavkaz, Russia)

2 North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (State Technological University) (Vladikavkaz, Russia)

1, 2