350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Estimation of stability in the onboard information complex as the problem about probability of greater deviation of the indignant dynamic system
S. A. Dubovik, Yu. I. Nechaev
At an estimation of stability of a vessel by means of onboard systems it is offered to use a functional method in which basis results of researches are put. At realization of algorithm functional method the automated computer program a basis not on diagrams of stability, and on the stochastic vector equation of indignant dynamics of a vessel. The operative estimation of stability and probability of overturning under operating conditions depends on a condition of a vessel and characteristics of wind-wave indignations at the moment of this estimation. Initial information it is formed on the basis of the data received from gauges of measuring system. The onboard system of the operative control of stability should continuously (or with a step of step-type behaviour) to update an estimation of probability of overturning in real time in process of data acquisition about rolling a vessel, i.e. synchronously with receipt of these data. Let's notice, that the offered device asymptotic of the analysis of greater evasion is new to the theory of management of dynamic systems. Therefore, before to pass to the basic object of the analysis, we shall consider a number of the elementary likelihood schemes for an explanation of the general problems. The offered algorithm is based on assimptotic of the analysis of poorly indignant dynamic system by means of functional method. The functional method allows to estimate probability of overturning in rate of updating of data. The basic features of the developed concept are an opportunity to avoid divergence at the decision of a regional problem, and also a condition uniform matrixes of diffusion of the initial stochastic equation of rolling. Improvement of the decision can be reached due to use of regularity methods.
Pages: 4-12
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