350 rub

Journal Antennas №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Features of Fastening of Ferrite Elements on Metal Cases of Radio-Electronic Devices
fastening modes
ferrite elements
welded joints
diffusion welding
thermal model
analytical calculating
O. Yu. Zhevalev, G. V. Koniushkov, L. E. Kuts
In article the analytical solution of the differential equation of heat conductivity with internal sources of heat for an one-dimensional stationary problem with regard to glutinous, brazed and diffusion welded joints of ferrite elements with metal cases of radio-electronic devices are resulted. Comparative calculations of the maximum temperature of ferrite elements in the specified joints are executed for ranges of the absorbed energy of the MICROWAVE SIGNAL from 3 to 30 Vt/sm3 at use of various systems of cooling.
Pages: 68-71
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