350 rub
Journal Antennas №7 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
High-temperature strength of iron garnets in soldering and diffusion welding conditions
G.V. Koniushkov, O.Yu. Zhevalev, L.E. Kuts, V.G. Koniushkov, N.A. Vavilina
In the article, the dependences of the strength characteristics of ferrites on a «size factor» are presented. These dependences show that the strength decreases with the increase of volumes and cross-sections of samples for all kinds of tests. Issues of evaluation of high temperature strength of iron garnets were considered on the basis of Weibull model to perform the calculations of technology parameters of soldering and diffusion welding processes. The resulting estimates are valid for ferrite elements shaped plates (ratio of maximum size in terms of the thickness of 10:3 to 10:1), a volume of 0,3 cm3 to 2,5 cm3, and manufactured to the same technology.
Pages: 21-24

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