M.A. Murzova – Post-graduate Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University); Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)
E-mail: mariya.trofimenko@phystech.edu
V.E. Farber – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow);
Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University State University)
E-mail: vladeffar@mail.ru
An observation of a range with radar using LFM waveforms leads to relative displacement of the true range of a target. This range displacement is proportional to the range rate due to effect of a range-Doppler coupling. One of the most simple ways to account the range-Doppler coupling error is to compensate range measurement by an estimated value of this error. Kalman filters which using this compensation are suboptimal filters. This paper provides an estimation of stability boundaries of first-order suboptimal filters at different initial states such as αβ-filter, diffusion filter and growing-memory filter. Two methods of initial states formation are supposed. One of them compensates the range-Doppler coupling error, while another doesn’t compensate this error. Compensating the range-Doppler coupling error in the initial state formation increases stability boundaries of the filters in comparison with another method. This paper provides an estimation of stability boundaries of first-order suboptimal filters at different initial states such as αβ-filter, diffusion filter and growing-memory filter. The estimation of stability boundaries is based on analysis of suboptimal filters output responses to a linear function with white noise and a unit step function at different initial states and at fixed range-Doppler coupling coefficient.
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