V.V. Andreev – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail: vladimir_andreev@bmstu.ru
S.V. Ryzhov – Master, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU
E-mail: sergey.righov@gmail.com
A.V. Romanov – Post-graduate Student, Department «Design and manufacturing of electronic equipment», Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail: romanov@okbmel.ru
In this paper features of formation of the alloyed area of the anode and its influence on the characteristics of a planar high-speed diode are considered. The effect of gold diffusion on the change in the current-voltage characteristic of a diode is studied experimentally. A technological model of a planar high-speed diode is proposed that allows selecting the optimal structure of the cathode and anode regions and taking into account the change in the current-voltage characteristics of the diode after the diffusion of gold.
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