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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Diffusion tensor MRI in brain microstructure and connectivity investigations
water molecules self-diffusion
diffusion tensor
fiber tracking
axonal bundles
white matter
brain imaging
K.A. Il-yasov, A.V. Aganov, B.W. Kreher
The paper deals with modern developments in the field of diffusion tensor MRI in application for clinical diagnostics and neuronal pathways detection. The accent is done on the methodological aspects of the method. Brief mathematical description of self-diffusion effects in MRI and diffusion weighting factors (b-factor) are presented. Diffusion in the living systems are usually characterized with the fractional anisotropy index FA and trace of diffusion tensor, which is also called as mean diffusivity. These parameters are very sensitive to tissue microstructure changes what can be used for clinical diagnostics. Basing on the authors - experimental results the possibility diffusion tensor imaging to detect white matters pathologies is demonstrated.
Diffusion tensor MRI can be used for fiber tracing. Main assumption that the direction of the eigenvector corresponding to the larges eigenvector is coincides with the direction of the fiber track gives possibility to find large fiber tracts. However such assumption fails in the regions where several tracks crossing within the voxel - in this voxel the direction of the corresponding eigenvector does not anymore represents the direction of the fibers. Consequently the common fiber tracking algorithms fail in such case. Methods to solve this problem are discussed and it is shown that this problem can be solved on the base of multi-tensor model fitting and with means of «global optimization fiber tracking method». Details of these methods are described and the experimental results are presented.
Pages: 3-16
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