Articles by keyword power amplifier
Wide-Band Tuned-Gain Amplifiers
A. S. Petrov, D. E. Steblev
The Self-Oscillating Power Amplifier of Class D with the One-Valued Characteristic of a Relay Element
G.A. Belov
Method Increasing Accuracy of Autotune for Filter-Matching Device
A. B. Besedin, V. M. Gykov, A. V. Pugin
Problems of creation receiving and transmitting module of X-band active phased antenna array
V. А. Kolomejcev, А. V. Ezopov, A. E. Semenov
A. V. Gerasimov, B. S. Lobanov, N. V. Milovanova, N. S. Makeenkova, V. I. Nefedov, S. V. Esin
Research thermal regime of group receiving and transmitting module of x-band active phased antenna array
V.А. Kolomejcev, А.V. Ezopov, A.E. Semenov
Thermal state of output power amplifier of receiving and transmitting module of active phased antenna array
V.А. Kolomejcev, А.V. Ezopov, A.E. Semenov
Some refinement in the theory of power amplifiers, operating in the B mode
V.A. Korolev, B.G. Teriaev
Increase of linearity of a transmitter by a method digital predistortion
L.I. Averina - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University. E-mail:
A.M. Bobreshov - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Electronics Department, Voronezh State University. E-mail:
V.D. Shutov - undergraduate student, Department of Electronics, Voronezh State University. E-mail:
Transceiver module for digital array antenna
R. Y. Malakhov - Postgraduate Student of Moscow Aviation Institute, Department of Radiophysics, Antennas and Microwave Technique. E-mail:
E. M. Dobychina - C.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Moscow Aviation Institute, Department of Radiophysics, Antennas and Microwave Technique. E-mail:
Microwave power divider schematics for X-band power amplifiers
A. E. Obukhov - Engineer of Scientific Center of Special Radioelectronics and Management of Moscow Aviation Institute. E-mail:
Output RF power amplifier simulation
P. O. Larin - JSC "VNIIRT", Moscow
A. A. Blinnikov - JSC "VNIIRT", Moscow. E-mail:
N. G. Radovskiy - JSC "VNIIRT", Moscow. E-mail:
S. A. Mamaev - JSC "VNIIRT", Moscow
Switching losses decline in a band-operating class DE power amplifier
R.I. Zudov - Post-graduate Student, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
V.A. Sorotsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University. E-mail:
Results of experimental research of linearization of HF transmitting channel
I.E. Kashchenko - Engineer-Developer, Deputy Head of NILE, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail:
A.V. Bogdanov - Head of Department, PJSC «ONIIP». E-mail:
Design of P-band AESA-s power transmitter module with dynamic supply voltage control for airborne radar
А.V. Korolev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory «Semiconductor Transmitter Devices and Synthesizers », JSC «Concern «VEGA» E-mail: N.А. Kushnerev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory «Power Supply», JSC «Concern «VEGA» E-mail: D.А. Kostuchik - Leading Engineer, JSC «Concern «VEGA» E-mail: М.V. Rodin - Engineer, JSC «Concern «VEGA» E-mail:
Some features of class DE power amplifier-s load circuit realization improving bandwidth operation
R.I. Zudov - Post-graduate Student, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: V.A. Sorotsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Switching power losses reducing in the switch mode radio transmitters
I.V. Sivchek - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, Department «Radioengineering and Telecommunications», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: V.A. Sorotsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department «Radioengineering and Telecommunications», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail: M.N. Tolubaev - Student, Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University. E-mail:
Information-measuring microwave modules aircrafts
М.А. Ivanov - Director of Operations, LLC «RPC «Radarcervis» (Ryazan). E-mail:
Design of Q-band power amplifier
I.V. Yushkov - Design Engineer 2 kat., JSC «SPE «Radiosviaz» (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail: V.A. Shokirov - Design Engineer 3 kat., JSC «SPE «Radiosviaz» (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail: A.M. Kovalev - Design Engineer 3 kat., JSC «SPE «Radiosviaz» (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail: I.A. Dovbish - Ph.D. (Eng.), Leading Engineer, JSC «SPE «Radiosviaz» (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail:
Improving quality reception of radio signal with adaptive linearization characteristics of the nonlinear power amplifier
A.Yu. Sizyakova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Radio Systems Department, MPEI (Moscow). E-mail: Luu Hai Nam - Post-graduate Student, Radio Systems Department, MPEI (Moscow). E-mail:
Design of powerful broadband amplifiers on domestic element base over the range of 1-2 GHz
M.P. Apin - Ph. D. (Econ.), First Deputy General Director, Main Engineer, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov) A.G. Balabolin - Head of Department, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov) A.L. Khvalin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky L.S. Sotov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
Software controlled switched mode radio transmitters
N.V. Kulikov - Post-graduate Student, Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: V.A. Sorotsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Associate Professor, Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: V.A. Tartyzhev - Leading Engineer, Department «Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: A.M. Ulanov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Radio Engineering and elecommunication Systems», Peter The Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:
Nonlinear distortion of quadrature modulated signals in polar transmitter
L.I. Averina - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail: A.V. Avdeev - Post-graduate Student, Department of Electronics of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail: V.A. Stepkin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Electronics of Faculty of Physics, Voronezh State University E-mail:
Spurious oscillation suppression in microwave HIC of power amplifiers outрut stage
V.A. Iovdalsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «RPC «Istok» named after Shokin (Fryazino, Moscow reg.); Associate Professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA) V.P. Marin - Academic APK, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA) V.S. Seregin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), General Director - General Designer, JSC «SPA «NIITAL» (Moscow) I.A. Sokolov - Ph. D. (Eng.), General Director - General Designer, JSC «NII «Micropribor» named after G.J. Guskov (Moscow) V.V. Kuznetsov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Optics-Electronic Devices and Systems, Moscow Technological University (MIREA)
Methods for improving the main characteristics of class d high-frequency amplifiers

A.V. Shuvaev1, A.V. Bashkirov2

1,2 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)

High-frequency power amplifier output stage automatic control circuit

B.G. Karas1, A.V. Smolin2

1,2 JSC RIE “PROTEK” (Voronezh, Russia)

Nonlinear distortion of angle modulation signal in output power amplifiers

Yu.A. Bryukhanov1, K.S. Krasavin2

1,2 P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (Yaroslavl, Russia)

Linearization of power amplifier were evaluated in low temperature conditions

A.V. Bakhmutskaya1, A.P. Pavlov2, I.E. Kashchenko3

1−3 Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS (Institute of Radiophysics and Physical Electronics) (Omsk, Russia)

Analysis of possibility of application of the amplitron in the transmit-receive modules for AESA

D. A. Voloshkin – Leading Engineer, NPC-5 of JSC «Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute» (Saratov) E-mail:

A. A. Zaharov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radio Engineering, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

A. V. Voloshkin – Director of NPC-5 of JSC «Academician A.L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute» (Saratov) E-mail:

Construction features of medium wave radiobeacon of differential subsystems of global navigation satellite systems «Kaskad 800», that has increased operational reliability, and its perspective opportunities

L.A. Abramov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Chief Expert, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time» (St. Petersburg)

N.S. Khokhlov – Head of Laboratory, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time» (St. Petersburg)

N.A. Korotkov – Head of Department, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time» (St. Petersburg)

D.G. Kravchenko – Senior Engineer, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time» (St. Petersburg)

V.S. Nikitin – Senior Engineer, JSC «Russian Institute of Radionavigation and Time» (St. Petersburg)

Transmitters of near-field magnetic communication systems

A.N. Babickii – Leading Electronic Engineer, Kirensky Institute of Physics (Krasnoyarsk)
B.A. Belyaev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, Kirensky Institute of Physics (Krasnoyarsk)

N.M. Boev – Leading Engineer, Kirensky Institute of Physics (Krasnoyarsk)
R.G. Galeev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), General Director, JSC «SPE «Radiosviaz» (Krasnoyarsk), Kirensky Institute of Physics (Krasnoyarsk)

Modeling the characteristics of bipolar transistor 2T937 Part II. The frequency characteristics

M.P. Apin – Ph. D. (Econ.), First Deputy General Director, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)


A.G. Balabolin – Head of Department, JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)


A.L. Khvalin – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky

New MOSFETs for switch mode HF power amplifiers

R.I. Zudov – Assistant, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

V.A. Sorotsky – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Associate Professor, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Distortions of the radar signals envelope

N.А. Kushnerev1, E.S. Nazarova2, М.V. Rodin3

1 JSC «Concern «VEGA» (Moscow, Russia)

2,3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


A power efficiency increasing of the signal transmission in the nonlinear radio path

Yu.N. Parshin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Radio Engineering Devices, 

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University


Estimation of the efficiency of compensation of nonlinear distortion of OFDM signals in nonlinear devices with a memory

V.Yu. Tikhonov – Post-graduate Student, Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatic E-mail:

Yu.S. Shinakov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Radio Systems, 

Moscow Technical University of Communication and Informatic


Measuring complex for the control of characteristic of output power amplifiers of X-band active phased ARRAY antennas

R.G. Tarasov – General Director of JSC «SPE «Factory «Iskra» (Ulyanovsk)


V.A. Sergeev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Radio Engineering, Opto- and Nanoelectronics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University; Director of Ulyanovsk branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS E-mail:

Development of amplifying circuits on С, X, Ku bands on modules PBbA type I and type II

A.S. Oleynik – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Department «Electronic Devices and System Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

A.A. Titkov – Head of Laboratory, 

JSC «RPE «Almaz» (Saratov)


N.A. Penkevich – Engineer, 

OOO «NPP «Inject» (Saratov)


Effect of operating mode parameters on energy characteristics of submodules output X-band power amplifiers

R.G. Tarasov – General Director of JSC «SPC and Production Plant Iskra» (Ulyanovsk), 

Head of Department «Radio systems and technologies», 

Ulyanovsk State Technical University


V.A. Sergeev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Director of Kotelnikov UBIRE RAS, 

Head of Department «Rafioingineering, opto- and nanoelectronics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University E-mail:

A.A. Kulikov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Lead Engineer, 

Kotelnikov UBIRE RAS


RF path of forming and amplifying a group radio signal based on the dephasing method

S.I. Babusenko1, V.V. Kiryushkin2, A.V. Zhuravlev3, V.V. Isaev4

1-4 JSC RIE “PROTEK” (Voronezh, Russia)

Power amplifier for antenna array

A.N. Zikiy1, V.S. Ivlev2, A.S. Kochubey3

1−3 SC «Taganrog Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Russia)

Estimation of effectiveness for application of digital predistortion in high power amplifiers of DVB-S2/S2X satellite systems

D.A. Tkachenko1, Yu.V. Batov2, D.A. Puzko3, A.L. Gelgor4

1–4 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Modernization of the quasi-monolithic microwave integrated circuit power ampifier

V.A. Iovdalskiy1, N.V. Ganiushkina2, V.P. Marin3, I.N. Ayupov4, P.A. Storin5

1,2,4,5 JSC «RPC “Istok” named after Shokin» (Moscow region, Fryazino, Russia)
3 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

Study of a solid-state transmitting device with a phase correction system, which increases the summing efficiency

A.S. Pshenichkin1, A.E. Krupskaya2, K.N. Klimov3

1,2 PJSC «ALMAZ R&P Corp.», LEMZ (Moscow, Russia)

3 Research Institute MAI (Moscow, Russia)

Study of a solid-state transmitting device with a phase correction system, which increases the summing efficiency

A.S. Pshenichkin1, A.E. Krupskaya2, K.N. Klimov3

1,2 PJSC «ALMAZ R&P Corp.», LEMZ (Moscow, Russia)

3 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Controlled power supplies applications in radar transmitters

M.V. Rodin1

1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


An iterative method for synthesizing the antenna array of a logical interference compensator

A.V. Litvinov1, S.E. Mishchenko2, A.S. Pomysov3, V.N. Shatsky4

1-4 FSUE «RNIIRS» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)