Yu.N. Parshin – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department of Radio Engineering Devices,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
E-mail: parshin.y.n@rsreu.ru
The nonlinear transmitter/receiver path is consists in the nonlinear power amplifier on the transmit site and on the nonlinear signal processing on the receiver site. The nonlinear power amplifier may to use a nonlinearity correction which is supposed ideal. When the peak factor of signal is great there is a large distortion of the maximum signal value. In the paper the Marcovian model of the signal on the output of the nonlinear power amplifier is used. The optimal algorithm of the nonlinear filtration of distorted signal is developed. An analysis of the filtration performance is implemented by means of the statistical simulation when various modes of the nonlinearity on the transmit site and on the receiver site as well. The existence of the optimal mode of the transmitter drive and an advantage of a nonlinear filtration on the receiver site are shown in the paper.
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- Sosulin Yu.G., Kostrov V.V., Parshin Yu.N. Oczenochno-korrelyaczionnaya obrabotka signalov i kompensacziya pomex. M.: Radiotexnika. 2014. 632 s.
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