A.N. Zikiy1, V.S. Ivlev2, A.S. Kochubey3
1−3 SC «Taganrog Research Institute of Communications» (Taganrog, Russia)
The object of the study is a batch of the same type of amplifiers in the centimeter range. The aim of the work is to measure the statistical characteristics of the output power and the unevenness of the amplitude-frequency response. The importance of this study is due to the significant influence of the spread of amplifier parameters on the resulting characteristics of the transmission array. Structurally, the amplifier is a cup-type housing in which polycore printed circuit boards are fixed. Monolithic arsenidogallium integrated circuits are soldered onto the boards, and matching circuits are sprayed (hybrid technology). To protect against climatic and mechanical influences, the case is closed with a lid sealed along the contour. Coaxial strip junctions of the SRG50-751 FV type are used as input and output microwave connectors. + 7 V and minus 5 V power is supplied through glass insulators. The main parameters of the amplifier: operating frequency range 8 – 18 GHz; output power 0.5 W; 30 dB gain; dimensions 73x20x14 mm. Due to the small size of the amplifier, it is possible to dial the antenna array web with the same pitch as the emitters.
An experimental study of a batch of the same type of amplifiers of the centimeter range was carried out. The maximum output power, minimum output power and the unevenness of the amplitude-frequency response at the input power level of at least 0.5 mW were measured. 108 copies of amplifiers were tested. It is shown that the maximum unevenness of the amplitude-frequency response is reached no more than 2.3 dB. According to these measurements, the histograms presented in the article are constructed. The selection of the number of columns in the histograms was carried out according to the Sturges formula. Histograms show that 70% of amplifiers have a maximum output power spread within 825 ± 25 MW, which is an excellent result. Comparison with other models of power amplifiers in the centimeter range, for example, M421135-1, M421133-4 shows a clear advantage of the M421248 in terms of output power, uneven amplitude-frequency response, weight, dimensions. The M421248 amplifier is recommended for use in transmitting antenna arrays for communication, location, navigation, radio control and electronic warfare. The studied amplifier found application in the transmitting antenna array, while all the main characteristics of the transmitting array were confirmed: the range of operating frequencies, the range of operating angles in azimuth, the output power (energy potential), the width of the beam pattern.
Zikiy A.N., Ivlev V.S., Kochubey A.S. Power amplifier for antenna array. Radioengineering. 2022. V. 86. № 11. P. 69−73.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202211-11 (in Russian)
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