Articles by keyword guidance
Criteria and Estimating Indicators of Efficiency for Guidance Systems of Controllable Aviation Armament of «Air-to-Ground» Class
S.S. Semenov
Analysis to Efficiency of the Twin-Position Passive System of the Aiming on Sources Radiation
A.M. Kuimov, V.I .Merkulov, A.I. Shuklin
Characteristics of Information Computation System of a Fighter Drone
V. S. Verba, V. I. Merkulov
Universal method of combined guidance on ground targets
V. S. Verba, V. I. Merkulov
Multiposition quidance radar. Possible limited
V. S. Verba, V. I. Merkulov
The Analysis of Guidance Laws for Moving Objects Equipped Satellite Radio Navigation Systems
Zamolodchikov, V.N.
A Method of Formation of Suboptimal Aircraft Movement in Vertical Plane During Guidance on Airborne Targets
Gandurin, V.A., Kirsanov, A.P., Mamayev, V.V.
A study of Responsiveness to Sensor Accuracy of an Algorithm of Command Guidance on Ground Targets
Gandurin, V.A., Sadovsky, P.A.
A Technique of Parallel Processing of Data Arrays in Objective Control Systems of Radar Surveillance and Guidance radio engineering complexes
Machalin, V.A., Tokarev, A.N., Trokoz, D.A., Paschenko, D.V., Sinev, M.P.
The Filtration Algorithms Synthesis for Twin-Platform Guidance System Aiming on Radiation Sources
V.I. Merkulov, I.V. Zabelin, A.I. Shuklin, A.M. Kuimov
Methodical Approaches to Organization of Control Aircraft Complex in Conditions of Radio Electronic and Fire Countermeasures
S.N. Vaypan, V.N. Dod, A.P. Dolgopolov, A.V. Mazurkin
Adaptation of an operation mode of onboard radar of algorithms of trajectory control of an aircraft
V. I. Merkulov
One of the methods of synthesis of rocket guidance laws optimum for different regimes of their employment
A. A. Piskovatskiy
One of the methods of synthesis of rocket guidance laws optimum for different regimes of their employment
A. A. Piskovatskiy
Modeling of the Ballistic Object Engagement by Exoatmospheric Interceptor
О.A. Klychnikov
Trajectory Control Algorithms for Combined Guidance System of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
V.I. Merkulov, D.A. Milyakov
Synthesis of Optimal Filtration Algorithms for Systems of Command Guidance on Ground Targets
V.A. Gandurin, P.A. Sadovsky
Programmed Technologies and Guidance Systems
V.A. Sarytchev
Modeling of the ballistic object engagement by exoatmospheric interceptor with separable optical sensor
O.A. Klychnikov
Application of virtual reality in television guidance systems
V.N. Balashov, R.A. Gorbatchov, M.V. Pesochi
Increased pointing accuracy in television systems by taking into account the aberrations of the lens
V.N. Balashov
A modified Method of Interception of Airborne Target
V.I. Merkulov, V.V. Mamaev, D.N. Suzansky, V.S. Chernov
Design of the thermal macromodels of functional cells
N.V. Saratovsky, M.S. Apuxtin, D.N. Repnev
Development of trajectory control algorithms for carrier of radar system providing resolution of air targets in a dense group
V.I. Merkulov, I.V. Zabelin
A study of algorithms of carrier trajectory control providing resolution of airborne objects in a dense cluster
V.I. Merkulov, I.V. Zabelin, A.M. Kuimov, D.A. Milyakov
Guidance of guidance of inertial objects on highly maneuvering targets
V.I. Merkulov
A method of inertial guidance in a boost phase of flight of the device with unstable flight characteristics
S.M. Dunaev
Theoretical and practical problems of designing next generation of radio guidance systems
V.S. Verba, V.I. Merkulov
Multiposition radioelectronic control system. Capabilities and limitations
V.I. Merkulov
A study of the responsiveness to precision of measurements of algorithm of the trajectory control under self-guidance of aerial vehicles on high-speed aircraft
V.I. Merkulov, D.A. Milyakov
Algorithm of the optimal trajectory control of the flying vehicle direction
S.N. Finogenov, M.E. Tsarkov, V. Abo Hamra
Analysis of guidance methods on radio sources for bistatic passive airborne radar systems
V.I. Merkulov, V.S. Chernov
The method of aircraft guidance at the ground elements using airborne radar aids with SAR
G.A. Solovyev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Director, Chief Designer of NPP «Radar MMS» (St. Petersburg)
V.A. Chugunova - Chief Engineer, NPP «Radar MMS» (St. Petersburg)
Synthesis of filtering algorithm for two-positions passive guidance system
V. I. Merkulov - Dr.Sci (Eng.), Professor, Deputy of General Constructor, JSC «Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» I. V. Zabelin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, LLC «Gazprom Inform»
Validation of requirements for precision of sensors of homing guidance systems
V. V. Drogalin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, OLSc STS Factory Leninets
V. I. Merkulov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Designer, JSC «Concern «Vega»
O. E. Radominov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head Department, JSC «Concern «Vega»
Approach to building defenses against the attacking elements of precision weapons
V. S. Bezyaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), General Director, JSC «SIE «Rubin»
Е. S. Kulikov - Deputy of Head of Department, JSC «SIE «Rubin». E-mail:
Theoretical and practical problems of designing next generation of radio guidance systems
V.S. Verba - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, general director - general designer of JSC «Concern «Vega»
V. I. Merkulov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor, deputy general designer, JSC «Concern «Vega»
Synthesis of optimum algorithms of trajectory control in the combined guidance system
E. A. Egorov - Post-graduate Student, Military Academy of Army Anti-aircraft Defence named after the Marshal of Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevskij (Smolensk). E-mail:
The algorithm of antijamming of guidance system of unmanned aircraft from jump noisy signal, based on probabilistic approximation with beta-distribution
V. A. Bukhalev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, CJSC «Moscow Research Television Institute» (МНИТИ). E-mail:
N. N. Vilkova - Ph.D. (Eng.), CJSC «Moscow Research Television Institute» (МНИТИ). E-mail:
B. L. Shapiro - Research Scientist, CJSC «Moscow Research Television Institute» (МНИТИ). E-mail:
S. P. Pryadkin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, JSC «Radiotechnical Institute named after Academician A.L. Mintz» (Moscow). E-mail:
V. A. Boldinov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). E-mail:
The solution of hypersonic interceptor guidance task in upper atmosphere
A.I. Chepkasov - Post-Graduated Student, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: S.V. Staselovich - Post-Graduated Student, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail:
Predicting and filtering algorithms in the control system of an interceptor missile
G.А. Volkov - Senior Engineer, JSC «MKB «Fakel», Moscow. E-mail: D.S. Ivanov - Senior Engineer, JSC «MKB «Fakel», Moscow. E-mail:
Synthesis of filtering algorithm for two-positions passive guidance system
V.I. Merkulov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Designer - Head of Department, JSC «Concern «VEGA». E-mail: I.V. Zabelin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, LLC «Gazprom inform». E-mail:
Featuring analisys of optimal two-position information and control system operation in aerial movable radio object intercept mode
I.V. Zabelin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, LLC «Gazprom inform». E-mail: D.A. Milyakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Research Scientist, JSC «Concern «VEGA». E-mail:
Approachvalidation of requirements for measurementsaccuracy for information position of bi-position passiveinformationmanagement system
V.I. Merkulov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy of General Constructor, JSC «Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: I.V. Zabelin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, LLC «Gazprom Inform» (Moscow). E-mail: A.I. Shuklin - Head of QC Department (Moscow) D.N. Suzansky - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy of General Director, JSC «Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail:
Challenges of designing new generation of on-board radar systems Part II. General design issues. Practical challenges
V.S. Verba - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director - General Product Engineer, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: V.I. Merkulov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Product Engineer, JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow). E-mail: V.A. Cherepenin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS, Kotel\'nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS. E-mail:
Group guidance of unmanned aerial vehicles for ground surface surveillance
V.I. Merkulov - D. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow). E-mail:
Using the instantaneous miss estimation in proportional navigation method
P.F. Dzhevanshirov - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail:
Antijamming algorithm of processing of information thermal imag-ing coordinator object
V.A. Bukhalev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Moscow Research of Televizion (ZAO "MNIIT"). E-mail: V.A. Boldinov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation University (National Research University). E-mail: A.B. Sukhachev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy, Gead of Research Department, Moscow Research of Televizion (ZAO "MNIIT"). E-mail: B.L. Shapiro - Deputy Head of Research Department, Moscow Research of Televizion (ZAO "MNIIT"). E-mail:
Specifics of designing aerial multi-static radio control systems for discreet guidance
V.S. Verba - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Science Worker of RF, General Director-General Designer, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow) V.I. Merkulov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Science Worker of RF, Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow) E-mail: V.S.Chernov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Radio Engineering Corporation «Vega» Joint Stock Company (Moscow)
The Functional Standardizing of HPW Group
G.V. Antsev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, General Director - General Designer of JSC "Concern Agat"; JSC - Radar MMS-тHead of Department Branch of Radio Electronic Information Systems, St.-Petersburg Electronical University (LETI) V.A. Sarychev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Chief Research Scientist, JSC "Concern Agat", JSC "Radar MMS"; Professor, Department of Monitoring and Information Security Risks Forecasting, ITMO University (St.-Petersburg) G.P. Zhigulin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Military Department, Head of Department
Algorithms of trajectory control based on the concept on inverse problems of dynamics in goniometric bistatic radio monitoring systems
A.D. Krayl-uk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation VEGA JSC (Moscow) V.I. Merkulov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, Deputy Designer General, Radio Engineering Corporation VEGA JSC (Moscow) V.P. Kharkov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Specialist, Radio Engineering Corporation VEGA JSC (Moscow) V.S. Chernov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Radio Engineering Corporation VEGA JSC (Moscow)
Method of targeting a pair of fighters with the distribution of tasks between them to suppress and defeat an air target

A.V. Bogdanov, D.V. Zakomoldin

 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense n. a. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)  

Method of homing aircraft with a change of control priorities

V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member of RAS, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

General Product Engineer – First Deputy General Manager, 

JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)

D.I. Ievlev – Engineer, 

JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


V.I. Merkulov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Product Engineer, 

JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


Trajectory control methods for observation in two-position angular airborne radio monitoring systems Part 1. Orthogonal methods

V.I. Merkulov¹, D.A. Milyakov², V.P. Khar’kov³, V.S. Chernov4

1,2,4 JSC Radio Engineering Corporation Vega (Moscow, Russia)

2 Ltd «Experimental workshop Nauka Soft» (Moscow, Russia)

Research of electronic combat parameters for monitoring of efficiency of active jamming against radar guidance systems for guided missiles

S.P. Barinov1, S.M. Lazarenkov2, Y.I. Maevskii3, A.A. Morozov4

1,4 JSC KNIRTI (Zhukov, Kaluga Region, Russia)

2 Air Force Academy (Voronezh, Russia)

3 JSC KRET (Moscow, Russia)

Techniques for implementation of adaptive control of parameters of jamming against radar guidance systems for guided missiles during EW combat

S.P. Barinov1, S.M. Lazarenkov2, Y.I. Maevskii3, A.A. Morozov4

1,4 JSC KNIRTI (Zhukov, Kaluga Region, Russia)

2 Air Force Academy (Voronezh, Russia)

3 JSC KRET (Moscow, Russia)

Methods of setting up inverse interference using digital means

M.A. Kuzin1, V.P. Saushkin2, N.P. Sizyakov3, A.M. Filatov4, A.O. Polyakov5

1−5 JSC «Central radio-research institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)

Advanced antenna systems for guidance equipment of 10 mm rock-ets and sub-caliber projectiles

A. V. Negrobov1, V. V. Negrobov2, Yu. G. Pasternak3, V. A. Pendyurin4
1, 2 JSC “SDTB “Ferrit” (Voronezh, Russia)
3 Voronezh State Technical University (Voronezh, Russia)
3 MESC AF “N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Forсe Academy” (Voronezh, Russia)
3 JSC “Concern “Sozvezdie” (Voronezh, Russia)
3, 4 JSC RPE “Automated Communication Systems” (Voronezh, Russia)

Method for determining the energy characteristics of laser radiation for controlling an unmanned aerial vehicle via an atmospheric optical channel

A.Yu. Koziratskii1, A.G. Petukhov2, O.V. Smyntyna3, D.A. Drynkin4

1-4 MESC AF "Air Force Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" (Voronezh, Russia)

Investigation of the influence of guidance accuracy on the functioning of the information transmission system with an atmospheric optical channel

A.Yu. Koziratsky1, O.V. Smyntyna2, A.G. Petukhov3, D.A. Drynkin4

1-4 MESC AF "Air Force Academy named after prof. N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" (Voronezh, Russia)

Parametric synthesis of interference to radar guidance systems of guided missiles in the dynamics of electronic conflict

S.P. Barinov – Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Engineering, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,

Deputy General Director of Research and Development, JSC «Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute» E-mail:

S.M. Lazarenkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


Yu.I. Maevsky – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), General Designer of REW System; 

Deputy General Director on Research and Development, JSC «KRET»

A.N. Shcherbakov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)

E-mail: sansea2009@

Specifics of designing aerial multi-static radio control systems for discreet guidance

V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

General Product Engineer - First Deputy General Director of JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow) E-mail:

V.I. Merkulov – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Product Engineer,  JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


V.S. Chernov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist, 

JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)

Research of missile guidance loop identification as part of the jamming parametric optimization problem

S.P. Barinov – Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Engineering, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist,

First Deputy General Director of Research and Development, 

JSC «Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute»


S.M. Lazarenkov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


Yu.I. Maevsky – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), General Designer of REW System, Deputy General Director on Research and Development, 


A.A. Morozov – General Director of JSC «Kaluga Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute»

Ranking of most favorable for attack air targets in multi-target tracking mode of the on-board radar

V.S. Verba – Corresponding Member, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, General Product Engineer, 

JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)

A.S. Bogachev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Professor, 

JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


V.I. Merkulov – Honored Scientist of RF, Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Deputy General Product Engineer,  JSC «Corporation «Vega» (Moscow)


Methods to bring in a network of unmanned aerial vehicles according to the results of the on-board determination of the direction

V.A. Ufaev – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Leading Research Scientist, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)


D.V. Ufaev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, 

3 CRI of DoD RF (Moscow)

M.F. Volobuev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Dr.Sc.Candidate, Associate Professor, 

MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail:

Evaluation of the influence of signal skipping on the operation of automatic laser-beam telecontrol systems

S.V. Utemov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Radio-Electronic Struggle RTC of MESC «Zhukovsky–Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh)

Divergence of radiation of the generator of the aircraft transmitter

S.G. Vorona1, T.V. Kalinin2, S.A. Kuznetsov3

1−3 Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Mathematical model of the space optical communication system

S.G. Vorona1, A.O. Zhukov2, T.V. Kalinin3

1,3 Department of the Military Space Academy named after A.F.Mozhaisky (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

2 Federal Center of Expertize and Analyzis (Moscow, Russia)

2 Institute of Astronomy of RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Brief description of the stand for working out the precise contours of the optical axes of quantum-optical systems

Yu.A. Roy1, A.V. Epifanov2, V.B. Chemodanov3

1-3 JSC “Precision Systems and Instruments” (Moscow, Russia)

3 MAI NRU (Moscow, Russia)

The method of optimizing the guidance of an UAV-jammer when he covers the attacking fighter

D.V. Zakomoldin1, A.V. Bogdanov2, S.A. Chasovskikh3, S.G. Kurmoyarov4

1–4 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense n.a. G.K. Zhukova (Tver, Russia)

Trajectory control of observation. Part 4. Control of a two-position system providing semi-active synthesis of the aperture

V.I. Merkulov1

1 JSC «Concern «Vega» (Moscow, Russia)

Prospects for the use of inductor electric drives of dual power supply with phase control in the support rotary devices of antenna systems

A.А. Chumachenko1, A.А. Bisov2, S.A. Bronov3, V.V. Kalitina4, M.A. Vaiman5

1,3-5 Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

1,2 JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

2 Siberian federal university (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Problems of interception of high speed aircraft maneuvering according to complex laws. Part 1. Features of the use of high speed aircraft, complicating their interception

V.S. Verba1, V.I. Merkulov2, D.V. Zakomoldin3

1,2 JSC «Concern «Vega» (Moscow, Russia)

3 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)
1, 2 ilya, 3

Problems of interception of high speed aircraft maneuvering according to complex laws. Part 2. Analysis of flight paths of foreign aircraft

V.S. Verba1, V.I. Merkulov2, D.V. Zakomoldin3, V.P. Likhachev4

1,2 JSC «Concern «Vega» (Moscow, Russia)

3 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)

4 Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (Voronezh, Russia)

1, 2 ilya, 3, 4