S.P. Barinov1, S.M. Lazarenkov2, Y.I. Maevskii3, A.A. Morozov4
1,4 JSC KNIRTI (Zhukov, Kaluga Region, Russia)
2 Air Force Academy (Voronezh, Russia)
3 JSC KRET (Moscow, Russia)
We considered topical issues for implementation of adaptive control of parameters of jamming against radar guidance systems for guided missiles (GM). It is shown that the presence of following different destabilizing factors collateral to the real EW combat must be taken into account during analyzing and synthesizing algorithms of adaptive control of the parameters of jamming against radar guidance systems for guided missiles: noise of data sensors measurements of phase coordinates of attacking GM resulted in significant errors in evaluation of the controlled jamming quality index; expected uncertainty of parameters of missile guidance loops and optimal values of controlled jamming parameters; transients in the missile guidance loop exercising a significant influence on GM trajectory parameters especially at the final stage of guidance.
We offered the ways to modify the classic «maximum remembering» method to develop algorithms for adaptive control of parameters of jamming against radar guidance systems for GMs considering the destabilizing factors of EW combat.
It is established that the main techniques for implementation of adaptive control of parameters of jamming against radar guidance systems for guided missiles during radio electronic combat that provide compensation of GM phase coordinate measurement noise, uncertainty of parameters and transients in the missile guidance loop, are as follows: setting of an initial threshold value of instantaneous miss of the guided missile by GM phase coordinate measurement noises; after the threshold value is reached, the jamming parameter control is performed in accordance with the «maximum remembering» method; adaptive control of a controlled parameter value change rate depending on the extent of uncertainty of its optimal value and dynamic parameters of the GM guidance loop; stabilization of the controlled jamming parameter at the time point corresponding to attaining by the instantaneous miss value of a certain threshold, at which the maximum approximation of the controlled parameter to its optimal value is provided.
With the use of mathematical modeling method, it is shown that implementation of adaptive control of jamming parameters on the basis of the modified «maximum remembering» method provides a practically ensured missile guidance loss and achievement of probability of protected object to be uninjured not less than 0.95.
Barinov S.P., Lazarenkov S.M., Maevskii Y.I., Morozov A.A. Techniques for implementation of adaptive control of parameters of jamming against radar guidance systems for guided missiles during EW combat. Radioengineering. 2021. V. 86. № 11. P. 14−19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202111-03 (in Russian)
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