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Journal Radioengineering №5 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Theoretical and practical problems of designing next generation of radio guidance systems
V.S. Verba - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, general director - general designer of JSC «Concern «Vega»
V. I. Merkulov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor, deputy general designer, JSC «Concern «Vega»
Major theoretical and practical problems of designing next generation of radio guidance systems are studied, in regard to network-centric warfare. Among theoretical problems the following issues are studied: development of new mathematical apparatus of group control theory with optimisation on collective interest and information flow optimisation. Among practical ones the selected were algorithms of intellectual decision support, simplified algorithms of adaptation and identification of information from multiple sources, multi-target tracking and a number of other issues. Also, the role of airborne warning and control systems in development of global systems of radio control was studied.
Pages: 39-44

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