V.S. Verba1, V.I. Merkulov2, D.V. Zakomoldin3
1,2 JSC «Concern «Vega» (Moscow, Russia)
3 Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (Tver, Russia)
1 vvs.msk@gmail.com, 2 ilya zagrebelnyi@mail.ru, 3 denjuga68@yandex.ru
The demand for highspeed aircraft is due to a number of technical, economic and tactical advantages. The technical and economic advantages are due to the very high cost of human and material resources aimed at the development and operation of counteraction systems, compared with the costs of manufacturing and using high speed aircraft as a means of destruction.
The tactical advantages of high speed aircraft are due to a number of features, which primarily include:
use of the so-called near space as the main flight area (altitude from 20 to 100 km);
a significant reduction in the flight time to the target, and, accordingly, a reduction in the time limit available to the opposing side for the preparation of counteraction;
qualitative reduction of the arsenal of possible means of interception;
the practical impossibility of implementing an all-course interception;
qualitative deterioration of the conditions for the detection and tracking of high speed aircraft by information systems of countermeasures;
the inability of existing traditional homing methods to meet the requirements of effective interception of high speed aircraft;
the ability to simultaneously realize high indicators of the effectiveness of hitting targets, their own survivability and dynamism, due to the possibility of retargeting on the trajectory.
In this regard, the task of developing radio-electronic systems for countering high speed aircraft capable of leveling their advantages is extremely important.
The article examines at a qualitative level the features of the use of high speed aircraft, complicating their interception by existing air defense and missile defense systems. Based on this, an analysis of the reasons for the low efficiency of modern aviation radio control systems when intercepting high speed aircraft is carried out.
On the basis of open domestic and foreign sources, approaches to substantiating the requirements for aircraft interception systems of high speed aircraft are formulated.
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