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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №5 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Antijamming algorithm of processing of information thermal imag-ing coordinator object
unmanned aerial vehicle
thermal imaging guidance system
an information counter
a random hopping structure
V.A. Bukhalev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Moscow Research of Televizion (ZAO "MNIIT"). E-mail: vadim.bukhalev@yandex.ru
V.A. Boldinov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation University (National Research University). E-mail: viktorboldi-nov@mail.ru
A.B. Sukhachev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Deputy, Gead of Research Department, Moscow Research of Televizion (ZAO "MNIIT"). E-mail: mniti@mniti.ru
B.L. Shapiro - Deputy Head of Research Department, Moscow Research of Televizion (ZAO "MNIIT"). E-mail: mniti@mniti.ru
We consider the problem of secondary processing of information by constructing the filtering algorithm of the Markov process in thermal imaging guidance systems of unmanned aerial vehicles in the face of opposition. Algorithms, based on traditional methods of information processing, are built according to the scheme of separate sequential operations of recognition of the status of the process structure guidance and evaluation of the phase coordinates. The main disadvantage of these algorithms is the assumption about the absence of correlation between structure and phase coordinates, which is contrary to the real processes occurring in the face of opposition. Construction of algorithms based filtering methods of the theory of systems with random hopping structure allows to account for the abrupt nature of the change of conditions and parameters of the guidance. This is carried out are interrelated simultaneous operation of recognition and estimation, as well as the aggregation of indica-tors of the structure and measure the phase coordinates into a single algorithm. The proposed approach increases the robust-ness of the filter algorithms and simplifies their implementation in on-Board computing systems with a minor loss in the accu-racy of the solutions.
In this article the problem of synthesis of the algorithm for near-optimal filtering of the signal in terms of abrupt changes in interference situations is solved by building a closed system of recurrent equations for the probability of state structures, mathematical expectation and dispersions of the phase coordinates, is convenient from the point of view of realiza-tion on computers and adaptable to changes in interference situations.
Is an example of mathematical modeling and the illustration of the algorithm. Good performance of the algorithm is confirmed by simulation results of its work, which showed that, despite the presence of a number of erroneous meter read-ings and indicator structure, evaluation of interference situations and estimating coordinates of the object is quite close to the estimated variables.
Pages: 36-42
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