Yu.A. Roy1, A.V. Epifanov2, V.B. Chemodanov3
1-3 JSC “Precision Systems and Instruments” (Moscow, Russia)
3 MAI NRU (Moscow, Russia)
Problem statement. The reliability and accuracy of laser guidance depends on the installation of optimal control loop settings and of the opto–mechanical deflectors speed in the tracking system.
The purpose. To develop principles for constructing a stand designed for the testing of advanced technical means, the latest element base, circuit (diagrams) and algorithms for controlling an ultra-narrow laser beam in order to test high-precision laser beam guidance technology in the presence of a useful signal and disturbances, including, for example, vibration and rocking of a quantum-optical carrier systems.
Results. The principles of constructing of a stand for the testing (adjustment) high-speed precise contours of guidance quantum-optical systems, for example, in inter-satellite laser communication systems, have been developed.
Practical significance. The results obtained can be used in the development of ultra-narrow laser beam guidance systems.
Roy Yu.A., Epifanov A.V. Chemodanov V.B. Brief description of the stand for working out the precise contours of the optical axes
of quantum-optical systems. Radiotekhnika. 2023. V. 87. № 4. P. 128−132. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j00338486-202304-16
(In Russian)
- Patent na izobretenie 2464541 (RF). Stend dlja otrabotki tochnyh konturov navedenija opticheskih osej kvantovo-opticheskih sistem. Roj Ju.A., Vygon V.G., Gorobinskij V.N., Epifanov A.V., Fedorov N.I., Gorobinskij A.V., Lahin V.A., Chemodanov V.B. Prioritet izobretenija 04 maja 2011 g.
- Bjulleten' izobretenij № 29 za 2012 g. (In Russian).