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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Using the instantaneous miss estimation in proportional navigation method
P.F. Dzhevanshirov - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail: pabel1989@rambler.ru
The one way of the anti-aircraft guided weapon evolution is a increase the accuracy of homing the surface-to-air missiles (SAM).). In this paper proposes a modified method of proportional navigation (PN) is used the estimation of instantaneous miss distance as the proportionality factor. Wherein is realized the SAM guidance in proposed missile and target trajectory intersection point. Continuous update of instantaneous miss distance throughout of homing can reduce the miss distance estimation error. To determine the SAM instantaneous miss distance introduces the definition of instantaneous point of meeting (IPM). IPM - is a point at which there would be a meeting of the missile and the target when the definition of IPM since their movement would be linear and uniform. Instant miss h - is a deviation from the SAM IPM. Initial data for the calculation of the instantaneous miss distance is a state vectors of the missile and the target. SAM`s state vector is defined using the on-board navigation system, the parameters of target motion - with the help of on-board seeker. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method to the PN method the mathematical model of SAM flight dynamics and guidance was developed MATLAB/Simulink. The proposed method is used aiming at the final stage of flight missiles - homing site. The simulation of missile guidance to the target using the classical PN method and method of using the evaluation instant miss distance. As a result of the simulation homing missile at the target for each method of guidance received expectation of miss distance at the meeting point on the maximum and minimum altitudes throughout the range of the missile range. From these results it follows that throughout the range of flying range missiles proposed method provides a smaller amount miss the point of the meeting over the classic PN method. The disadvantage of the proposed method is a need for on-board estimator of the target state vector, which limits the scope of this method.
Pages: 157-159


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