A.А. Chumachenko1, A.А. Bisov2, S.A. Bronov3, V.V. Kalitina4, M.A. Vaiman5
1,3-5 Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
1,2 JSC «SPE «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
2 Siberian federal university (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
1 maijorishe@mail.ru, 2 glutamine@mail.ru, 3 sa_bronov@mail.ru, 4 vesik_kl@mail.ru, 5 maxsonix@yandex.com
Support-rotary devices of antenna-feeder systems of Ka/Q-band, designed and manufactured on the basis of collector (valve) DC motors, eventually cease to provide smooth running drives, the ability to adjust the guidance angles in increments of no more, than 1′. At the same time this has seen cases of backlash in the pivoting devices, which reduced the accuracy of antenna-feeder guidance on spacecraft in general.
To consider the possibility of using inductor electric drives of double power supply in pivoting devices of stationary Ka/Q-band antenna systems for accurate guidance on a given onboard repeater spacecraft and its subsequent auto-tracing.
As a result, the implementation of an electric drive control system is proposed providing the movement of the antenna system with the specified parameters.
In general, the possible use of drives based on dual-power inductor motors provides many possibilities for implementation by designers of support-rotary devices of antenna-feeder systems the desired control laws and achieve the desired static and dynamic accuracy.
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