350 rub
Journal Antennas №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis of optimum algorithms of trajectory control in the combined guidance system
E. A. Egorov - Post-graduate Student, Military Academy of Army Anti-aircraft Defence named after the Marshal of Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevskij (Smolensk). E-mail: Petrkuks@bk.ru
Synthesis of optimum algorithms of trajectory control that allows executing high-precision intercept of low flying purposes is stated in the given paper. The analysis of control systems of a flight vehicle assumes research procedure in the set operating conditions for determination of parameters of its efficiency, as a rule, such parameters as response and stability, accuracy and sensitivity to change of conditions of application. Full-scale measurements by results of algorithms synthesis were executed on modeling of a contour of combined guidance by means of imitative model.
Pages: 26-32

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