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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The solution of hypersonic interceptor guidance task in upper atmosphere
A.I. Chepkasov - Post-Graduated Student, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: chapa-2010@yandex.ru
S.V. Staselovich - Post-Graduated Student, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: stasemv@mail.ru
Basic features of filtering and control technical tasks is, as a rule, equations nonlinearity that describing control object and measuring devices, and a number of constraints imposed on control object, control devices and measuring devices. In addition developed filtering and control algorithms must be relatively simple and, necessarily, must work in technical systems in real-time mode.
The motion models of target and interceptor describe in local square coordinate system. The ballistic target in upper atmosphere motion parameters estimating algorithm is obtained with minor mean-square error criterion.
By control beginning, target motion parameters are defined in compliance with algorithm of target motion parameters estimating and interceptor motion parameters is considered prescribed.
The interceptor guidance algorithm obtaining task is to provide minimum of interceptor-target relative distance square expectancy in predetermined interception time, on conditions interceptor control influences squares expectancy constraint.
Assigned task is solved by means of proportional approach method control and linear optimal control using linear correlation theory methods.
Spreads of points, characterizing flyby in each simulation loop, and their ellipses of dispersion are produced by carried out statistic simulation. The using of linear optimal control allows to produce more acceptable miss values and less ellipse of dispersion as compared with using proportional approach method control.
Also simulation of guidance on maneuvering target is carried out because of guidance on interceptor control task with guidance on ma-neuvering aerospace target assume topicality at present. The aircraft AHW can be example of this target. Consequently simulation the inacceptable miss values is produced, for using algorithms is obtained with the assumption of guidance on no maneuvering target.
Thus, linear correlation theory methods cannot provide obtaining of high-accuracy algorithms if there are processes with partially priority information and nonlinear equations in next-generation technical system. Therefore, in solving these technical tasks, obtaining of filtering and control algorithms must be carried out with other methods, for example minimax or nonlinear (polynomial) correlation theory.
Pages: 23-27
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