Articles by keyword competition
The Investigation of Existence and Stability of Solutions of Differential Systems of Ecological Dynamics with Regard to Competition and Diffusion
O. V. Druzhinina, O. N. Masina
The Nonlinear Analysis of a Multifrequency Mode M-type Backward Wave Oscillator
A.G. Shein, M.V. Galats
Disputed stability of interaction organizational-technical systems: the general concepts, scientific approaches, synthesis method
L. E. Mistrov
Technique of the substantiation of mobile limiting cycles stable equilibrium of financial systems
L.E. Mistrov, D.E. Milushev
Basic provisions of methodology of research of efficiency of functional systems of information security
L.E. Mistrov
Neurobiological mechanizms of subjective perception
Yu.I. Nechaev, O.N. Petrov
Competition waves in the M-type traveling wave amplifier
V.E. Avvakumov - Dr. PhD., associate professor, Experimental physics chair of the Volgograd State Technical University (VSTU). E-mail: A.G. Shein - Dr. Sci., professor, Physics chair of the Volgograd State Technical University (VSTU). E-mail: M.C. Martinova - Electronics and computer techniques faculty student of the Volgograd State Technical University. E-mail:
Analysis of problems and problematic situations in the regulation of natural monopolies in the Vladimir region
D. R. Kashinceva - Specialist, Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Vladimir branch). E-mail:
The quality of information and knowledge in the tasks of management of the enterprise
K.L. Chuzhbovskii - Deputy General Director, Research Institute «Vector» (Saint Petersburg). E-mail:
V.I. Emelin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Research Institute «Vector» (Saint Petersburg). E-mail:
A.V. Grigorova - Lecturer of College «Radiopolitehnikum» (Saint Petersburg). E-mail:
Growth, competition and migration
V. V. Kotin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Assistant Professor, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Justification of ways of planning and management of application of the complex of technical means for ensuring steady functioning of information systems
V.A. Pavlov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
The factors influencing the operation of medium-sized businesses located on the territory of the industrialized regions
V.P. Marin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA) E-mail: S.N. Nikulina - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail: A.V. Chelenko - Post-graduate Student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail: O.A. Padalka - Post-graduate Student, Kaluga branch of the Bauman MSTU E-mail:
Theoretical investigation of nonlinear mode interaction on the front of accelerating voltage pulse in MW-power gyrotron with 250 GHz operating frequency

V.L. Bakunin – Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)


M.Yu. Glyavin – Head of Laboratory, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)


Yu.V. Novozhilova – Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)


A.S. Sedov – Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod) E-mail:

Dynamics of roller domains under parametric excitation of capillary waves in a square cell with a rounded corner and a rectangular protrusion at the boundary

S.V. Kiyashko1, V.O. Afenchenko2

1,2 Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

Design and research of population dynamic model "two competitors – two migration areas"

I.I. Vasilyeva1, O.V. Druzhinina2, O.N. Masina3

1, 3 Bunin Yelets State University (Yelets, Russia)

2 FRС «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Method of optimization and planning of resource use information security systems of socio-economic organizations

L.E. Mistrov1

1 Central branch of RPMU (Voronezh, Russia)

Control of multistability of roller structures under parametric excitation of capillary waves in a square cell with internal boundaries

V.O. Afenchenko1, S.V. Kiyashko2, V.V. Chernov3

1-3 Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Science (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

1; 2; 3

Design of population dynamic models of the “three competitors – three migration areas” type

O.V. Druzhinina1, I.I. Vasilyeva2, O.N. Masina3

1 FRC «Computer Science and Control» of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

1-3 Bunin Yelets State University (Yelets, Russia)

1; 2; 3

Method of substantiation of information support tasks of conflict stability of interaction of organizational and technical systems

L.E. Mistrov1

1 Central branch of the Russian State Unitary Enterprise (Voronezh, Russia)


Multistability of roller structures under parametric excitation of capillary waves in a square cell with a round protrusion in the center

S.V. Kiyashko1, V.O. Afenchenko2, V.V. Chernov3

1-3 Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Science (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

1; 2; 3