350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Disputed stability of interaction organizational-technical systems: the general concepts, scientific approaches, synthesis method
L. E. Mistrov
The present stage of development of various mission of the organizations representing on set system defining properties, functional organizational-technical systems (ОТS), is characterized by expansion of their forms of interaction of type "assistance" and "rivalry" for use of their interests of resources being in sphere. The most difficult in system representation is the form of interaction called "rivalry", characteristic for the conflict of type "competition" on the results of the solution of which the ability to live of ОТS depends.
Interaction of ОТS is carried out at the stages of daily and extreme actions (DA, EA), characterized by criterion function of a sustainable development on the basis of performance of tasks in view with the set efficiency. The analysis of stability of ОТS interaction is based on the establishment of relationships of cause and effect and laws of their information interaction. Application of known methods of the analysis of stability of technical systems (HARDWARE) with reference to ОТS class is impossible as, first, the HARDWARE are structural elements of ОТS, and, secondly, ОТS are characterized by some degrees of freedom in phase space of conditions. It leads to aspiration of phase trajectories of ОТS development to steady points (to conditions, balance position), to steady limiting cycles, type surfaces (a parallelepiped and to other figures) and to unstable (critical) points in which the system can collapse and pass in a condition of balance or chooses a way of formation of new system orderliness. Influence on ОТS of the casual or organized factors causes unstable movement of a system from one point to another in the determined way. Instability of ОТS conditions leads to a change in its shape (composition, structure, algorithms of functioning and behaviour strategy). Reduction of entropy or uncertainty degree is reached by increase of orderliness and the organization which is absent at the level of HARDWARE. It is characterized by presence of resonant excitation: compelled and self-oscillations are characteristic for ОТS, free - for the HARDWARE aspiring to balance.
Conditions of ОТS balance can be stationary and mobile. For stationary balance at change of parameters ОТS come back to a former steady condition. Mobile balance takes place, when change of parameters attracts the further changes of ОТS trajectory in the same direction and amplifies eventually. It allows at DA and EA stages the change of parameters: at DA stage - their slow accumulation, and EA stage - spasmodic. Their neutralization can be reached by means of various type of information structures (subsystems, information-analytical procedures), translating ОТS to a steady condition taking into account features of the given stage.
ОТS represent the spatially-distributed structures, their basic control mode - centralized. To EA stages in the presence of cumulative effect of influence on vulnerable ОТS elements passes in a mode decentralized. In it the ОТS efficiency caused by infringement of time balance of interaction, is provided with smaller efficiency. It translates ОТS in a condition of unstable balance and comes back to a point of stationary or mobile stable equilibrium on the basis of substantiation by means of information structures of additional material, power and / or information resources.
Proceeding from it, the essence of a category "stability" of ОТS interaction changes. It acquires the new systematic definiteness characterized by a concept «disputed stability». In such implied sense it characterizes basic property of ОТS - performance of problems with the set quality irrespective of active or information influence. Thus stability of ОТS interaction is proved on the basis of models and methods of maintenance of their purposeful functioning, allowing to allocate system components of interaction and to define their categorical characteristics: .
For achievement of disputed stability of ОТS interaction the method of the synthesis based on search of rational shape of system by the criterion of set efficiency of application on set of strategy of behaviour of competing systems is offered. In it the structure of functional ОТS is represented to the purpose united by the unity of the hierarchical set of organizational systems, ОТS, the HARDWARE and complexes of management, getting the information and the execution, defined by specificity of the organization. Expansion of information process of synthesis of ОТS shape is carried out consistently in time and reflects the central moments during researches: time account is investigated cycles and stages, and detailed elaboration of the profound analysis - on aspects and synthesis levels. In the course of synthesis the given kinds of decomposition of the general problem of synthesis of ОТS shape are realized simultaneously. Decomposition on synthesis stages carries out a basis role on which other kinds of decomposition "are as though strung". Thus within the limits of each stage of synthesis of decomposition on aspects and levels ОТS "are put into" each other, alternately carrying out hierarchically a leading role. In each kind of decomposition also there is a change of hierarchically main aspect (level, stage). As a result of such multicoherent back and forth motion by kinds and in each kind of decomposition a cyclic iterative process with the dynamic hierarchical structure is formed, providing gradual definition of ОТS properties and ОТS characteristics and achievement as a result of representations about its rational shape.
The structure of OTS synthesis visually is represented in the form of a tree each branch of which at underplaying level represents a bunch of possible variants of shape. During synthesis compressing display from a bunch gets out a branch (preferable OTS variant) which at the subsequent level will be transformed again to a bunch. And so on. As a result of it at transition from one stage of OTS synthesis to another there is a sequence of the nonempty closed sets of variants of its shape put into each other. Compressing displays at each stage of OTS synthesis provide aspiration of diameters of sets of its variants to zero. Crossing of these sets is reduced to one point and this point is the preferable OTS variant providing at various stages of activity disputed stability of their interaction.
Pages: 70-80
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