L.E. Mistrov1
1 Central branch of RPMU (Voronezh, Russia)
Currently, it is an urgent task to plan measures to ensure the use of socio-economic organizations (SEO) with a given efficiency in a conflict of the “rivalry” type with one or more competing SEO based on the development and application of information security systems (ISS). The basis for planning the use of the ISS, along with the solution of the tasks of checking the "loyalty" of employees to the interests of organizing and protecting information systems and means of working with information, is the solution of the problem of developing and adopting the "correct" (optimal) decisions of the SEO on the management of IS set of predictable destructive actions of competing SEO. If the solution of the first two tasks is based on well-known and proven methods, then the solution of the third one is the main task of using the ISS to ensure the conflict stability of the SEO activity in the operation, due to the complexity of formalizing the set of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the ISS activity planning process for optimizing decisions on the management (distribution) of the allocated resource of information security tools, the solution method in the known literature has not received due reflection.
The basis of the method of applying the SEO and the information support systems that ensure its operation, primarily the ISS, is the substantiation at its hierarchical levels of optimal procedures for managing (distributing) a heterogeneous resource of information support and security tools (IS, IS) at the stages of analysis, optimization and selection boron of the optimal method of application, taking into account the possibility of increasing its efficiency by using the resource of interacting SEO on a variety of destructive methods of influence of competing SEO. The solution of the problem is based on the adoption of justified control decisions on the analysis of capabilities and the optimal distribution of the resource of IO and IS tools, the coordination of their actions in time, space (directions, target channels) and objects of influence, development, composition and coordination in the input / output information ( performance indicators) of private models, methods and procedures at the level of the SEO integral performance indicator - this determines the essence and structure of the method for planning the use of the ISS. The method represents a hierarchical system of models and methods for evaluating the effectiveness and optimizing the distribution of the IS resource for the stage of planning the use of ISS in an operation, united by the goal. It is based on the use of the principles and provisions of the theories of system analysis, optimal resource allocation, operations research, decision making, hierarchical multi-level systems, graphs, maximin, methods of program-targeted planning and management, dynamic programming, branches and boundaries, sequential assignment of resource units and algorithm for directed enumeration of a sequence of admissible plans.
The implementation of the method provides, by formalizing the process of planning the use of ISS, the development of control decisions in the hierarchical multi-level structure of its management bodies to analyze the capabilities of the allocated resource of IS tools, its optimization based on algorithmic procedures for target distribution by objects of influence, directions and time, and selection the preferred method of applying competing SEO on a set of destructive methods of action to ensure that SEO is applied in an operation with a given efficiency.
Mistrov L.E. Method of optimization and planning of resource use information security systems of socio-economic organizations.
Science Intensive Technologies. 2023. V. 24. № 4. P. 42−59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202304-06 (in Russian)
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