Articles by keyword фазовый шум
Аnalysis of Influence of Frequency Transformation Channels to Parasitic Phase Incursion for Direct Synthesis of Supporting Microwave Signal
Ochkov, D.S., Silaev, E.A., Formalnov, I.S.
Laser Spectral Line Widening Effect on RF Phase and Amplitude Noises of an Optoelectronic Oscillator OEO
A.А. Bortsov, Yu.B. Il-in
GLONASS and GPS Carrier Phase Noise and its Effect on PLL Sensitivity and Anti-Jam Capability
Boldenkov, E.N., Shatilov, A.Yu.
Calculation of phase noise in phase-locked loop frequency synthesizers
D.A. Tomozov, A.S. Petrov
High-Stability Oscillators Based on Crystal Resonators-Thermostats
A.I. Kutalev
Ku-band Synthesizer with Fast Frequency Hopping
I.A. Grygoriev
Methods of Minimizing Phase Noise in Ku-Range Hybrid Frequency Synthesizer with Fast Frequency Hopping Mode
I.A. Grigoryev
Lo phase noise impact estimation оn coherent doppler radar perfomance
I.A. Grigoryev
The methods of the rise in quick-action of digital computing synthesizers
I.V. Ryabov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Associate Prof., Mari State Technical University. E-mail: P.M. Yuriev - Postgraduate, Mari State Technical University. E-mail: S.N. Tolmachev - Postgraduate, Mari State Technical University
Comparison of experimental data and theoretical results in the evaluation of microwave interference rejection phase of the local oscillator coherent radar
Е. A. Silaev - head of laboratory, JSC «Radiofizika»
High-frequency multi-crystal oscillator
N.R. Akhmetshin - student, Moscou Aviation Unstitute; technician, JSC «Radiofizika»
Y.S. Gouskov - Engineer, JSC «Radiofizika»
Е.A. Silaev - Head of Laboratory, JSC «Radiofizika»
Experimental data and theoretical results in the evaluation of parasitic phase shift of X-band local oscillator
E.G. Molchanov - Head of laboratory, JSC «Radiofizika»
D.S. Ochkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of division, JSC «Radiofizika», teacher of MIPT
E.A. Silaev - Head of laboratory, JSC «Radiofizika»
I.S. Formalnov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of department, JSC «Radiofizika»
Shocks, sine and broadband random vibrations impact on phase noise perfomance of S-band frequency synthesizer
I.A. Grygoriev - Post-graduate Student, Engineer, JSC «Radiofizika». E-mail: Y.S. Gouskov - Engineer, JSC «Radiofizika». E-mail: E.A. Silaev - Head of Sector, JSC «Radiofizika». E-mail:
The impact of thermal inertance on transistor oscillator noise characteristics
A.V. Kononov - Ph. D. (Eng.). E-mail:
Low temperature impact on phase noise perfomance of VHF crystal oscillator
E.A. Silaev - Head of Sector, PJSC «Radiofizika». E-mail:
Ring generators: analysis, characteristics and application
V.А. Sergeev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Director, Ulyanovsk Branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences; Head of Basic Chair «Radio Engineering, Opto-and Nanoelectronics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University in Kotel-nikov UFIRE RAS Ya.G. Tetenkin - Leading Engineer, Ulyanovsk Branch of the Kotel-nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences; Competitor, Basic Chair «Radio Engineering, Opto-and Nanoelectronics», Ulyanovsk State Technical University in Kotel-nikov UFIRE RAS. E-mail:
Methods of calculating the noise characteristics of the fractional frequency synthesizer system using MATLAB
V.I. Borisov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS, Scientific Head, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez). E-mail: S.K. Romanov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez). E-mail: N.M. Tikhomirov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Scientific and Technical Bureau, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez). E-mail: A.V. Lenshin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh). E-mail:
Implementation and experimental study of frequency synthesizer with switched-paths of bringing the frequencies and control channels
N.M. Tikhomirov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Head of Scientific and Technical Bureau, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez) E-mail: A.V. Lenshin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor, MESC «Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy» (Voronezh) E-mail: V.N. Tikhomirov - Post-graduate Student, Senior Designer, JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronez) E-mail:
DDS phase noise dependency on clock frequency and DDS output signal frequency

A.V. Korolev, S.G. Rykov

«JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering»

Ultra-low-noise X-band reference oscillator based dielectric resonator

E.V. Egorov1, S.B. Makarov2, V.M. Malyshev3

1 STC, Ltd. Special Technology Center (St. Petersburg, Russia)

2,3 Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Effect of negative temperatures on starting and phase noise of very high-frequency cristal oscillators

E.A. Silaev – Head of Sector, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) E-mail:

VHF cristal oscillator amplitude noise

Е.A. Silaev – Head of Sector, 

PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)


VHF crystal oscillator noise Part 1. Theore

Е.A. Silaev1

1 PJSC Radiofizika (Moscow, Russia)

Hybrid synthesizer with two PLLs and DDS Part 1. Frequency shift circuit

A.V. Korolev1, Y.V. Korshikov2, S.G. Rykov3

1-3 «JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering» (Moscow, Russia)

Hybrid synthesizer with two PLLs and DDS Part 2. Fine tuning circuit and main PLL

A.V. Korolev1, Y.V. Korshikov2, S.G. Rykov3

1-3 «JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering» (Moscow, Russia)

VHF crystal oscillator noise Part 2. Experimental and calculated data

E.А. Silaev1

1 PJSC “Radiofizika” (Moscow, Russia)

Noise immunity of signals with phase and amplitude-phase modulation taking into account the phase noise of the heterodyne

V.N. Bondarenko1, A.V. Luferchik2

1 Siberian federal university (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

2 JSC «NPP «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

1, 2

Analysis influence phase noise of the heterodyne on noise stability of reception signals from multiposition APSK

V.N. Bondarenko1, A.V. Luferchik2, N.N. Ovchinnikov3

1 Siberian federal university (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

2,3 JSC «NPP «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)

1, 2, 3

Investigation of jitter in an optoelectronic oscillator with suppressed parasitic harmonics

V.V. Vitko1, A.A. Nikitin2, A.A. Emelyanov3, A.B. Ustinov4

1-2,4 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

3 JSC «KNIRTI» (Zhukov of Kaluga Region, Russia),,,