V.N. Bondarenko1, A.V. Luferchik2, N.N. Ovchinnikov3
1 Siberian federal university (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
2,3 JSC «NPP «Radiosvyaz» (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
1 VBondarenko@sfu-kras.ru, 2 ccn@krtz.su, 3 nikita-333_96@mail.ru
A distinctive feature of modern satellite communication networks is the transition to data exchange standards that regulate both the construction of satellite modems and networks in general. One of the priority areas, based on the recommendations of data exchange standards, is related to more efficient use of the frequency band in the relay satellite, i.e. with an increase in the spectral efficiency of the information transmission method used, due to which schemes with multi-position amplitude-phase modulation have become quite widespread.
Increasing the positionality of modulation makes it possible to use a smaller frequency band to transmit the same amount of information, i.e. increases the spectral efficiency of the selected method of information transmission. At the same time, energy requirements are increasing to ensure the required quality of the communication channel, which can be achieved through the use of more efficient noise-resistant coding methods.
But when designing these systems, one should not forget about the effect of local oscillator phase noise on the noise immunity of signal reception. In this work, the influence of this phase noise was analyzed by modeling the system in the MatLab/Simulink environment. During the work, recommended phase noise standards, proposed based on simulation results, were given for 256APSK signals. Signal constellations of 256APSK signals are presented according to the phase noise level according to the technical specifications for the Sphere R&D, as well as reduced phase noise. The results of modeling signals with phase noise proposed in the DVB-S2X recommendations were also considered and it was concluded that for the 256APSK signal the local oscillator phase noise values proposed by the DVB-S2X recommendations are just as unacceptable as the phase noise levels taken from the technical specifications for the design and development work Sphere R&D.
The results obtained can be used in the development of satellite signal modems with amplitude-phase modulation for high-speed data transmission.
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