350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №1 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Comparison of experimental data and theoretical results in the evaluation of microwave interference rejection phase of the local oscillator coherent radar
local oscillator
crystal oscillator
power spectrum
amplitude noise
phase noise
phase fluctuation
Е. A. Silaev - head of laboratory, JSC «Radiofizika»
The results of comparing the data of calculation of phase fluctuations in the shape of the total parasitic phase shift of the output of the model 3GHz-local oscillator and measurements of the power spectral density of the phase noise of the local oscillator output signal of the real coherent radar - a prototype of the model.
Program for calculating the parasitic phase shift, made on the basis of the ratio of used and allows to optimize the frequency of the reference oscillator and the oscillation frequency of the local oscillator signals throughout its path.
The resulting accuracy of the a priori estimate of the phase fluctuations for coherent direct analog synthesis, given their small size, it is good enough and to evaluate the possibility of coherent radar at the initial stage of its design.
After some modifications the program can be applied to any coherent local oscillator architectures.
Pages: 89-98
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