350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Ku-band Synthesizer with Fast Frequency Hopping
frequency synthesizer
hybrid frequency synthesizer
direct digital frequency synthesis
indirect frequency synthesis
phase noise
frequency transition time
voltage controlled oscillator
direct digital synthesizer
phase-locked loop
clock signal
division factor
comparison frequency
I.A. Grygoriev
Adopting complex radar signals and increasing time intervals for coherent accumulation leads to hardening requirements for heterodyne signals. This requirements includes a low in band phase noise, wide bandwidth and fast frequency hopping [5].
This paper introduces a low in-band phase noise Ku-band synthesizer with wideband fast frequency hopping. Synthesizer is used for frequency upconverting wideband signals in Ku-band radar transceivers. Synthesizer provides a necessary level of phase noise in low frequency offsets area from carrier.
One of the unique characteristic in developed synthesizer is hybrid synthesis scheme using. Hybrid synthesis scheme consists of DDS section, which is responsible for generating IF signal with fast frequency hopping. Upconverting section in hybrid synthesis scheme is responsible for upconverting IF wideband signal in Ku-band and includes high-stability VCO based on ceramic resonators with small output frequency dividing factors in PLL.
Experimental results is achieved in phase noise and transition time measurements, as well as in comparing with well-known solutions. It demonstrates usability of hybrid synthesis scheme for developing low in-band phase noise frequency synthesizers with fast frequency hopping mode as well as discovering new possibilities for functional extention of developed device.
Pages: 95-100
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