Articles by keyword focusing
Orotron on 1 mm Wavelength on Second Space Harmonic of the Two Row Periodic Structure
Ye. A Myasin, A.N. Solovyov
Effects on Border Dead Zone by Spatial Shifted Reception of Calibrated HF-Signals
I. I. Ivanov, G. I. Kuleshov, N. A. Koledin, V. N. Novikov, A. I. Okorotshkoveshov
Filtration of Radial Movings of the Phase Center of Aerial SAR on the Reflected Signal
O.A. Karpov, E.F. Tolstov
Classification of Spatial Focusings of Videopulses in Plasma on the Basis of the Catastrophe Theory
I.V. Allin, A.S. Kryukovsky, D.S. Lukin, D.V. Rastyagaev
Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of Wave Fields, Focused within Lossed Material
R.R. Nizamutdinov, O.V. Potapova, Yu.E. Sedelnikov
Possibility Analysis of Subwavelength Light Localization and Focus Extending for High-Aperture Focusing System Using Vortical Phase Transmission Function
S.N. Khonina, S.G. Volotovsky
Calculation and Representation a Wave Structure in the Field of Focussings Such as «Catastrophe» by Means of Webs-Technologies
A.S. Kryukovsky, D.S. Lukin, D.V. Rastyagaev, A.O. Kostyo
Potential Opportunities and Applications of Microstrip Arrays
V. A. Obukhovets, A. O.Kasyanov
Y. I. Malashko, A. N. Kleymenov, I. B. Potemkin
Radiation Patterns of Cassegrain Reflector Antennas Based on Folded Reflectarrays of Printed Elements
A. O. Kasyanov
Target monopulse direction finding in the inverse bistatic of reception сoncerning the airborne radar
E.A. Layko
Statistical characteristics of temporal variations of HF radiation on the mid-latitude path Moscow-Rostov
P.F. Denisenko, G.I. Kuleshov, N.A. Koledin
Design of the Hi-Tech Folded Reflectarray Based on Printed Element Lattices
А.O. Kasyanov, P.P. Saplin, C.V. Sumatokhin
Hyperthermia malignant disease of the brain using a focused electromagnetic field
V.M. Gavrilov, V.K. Dementiev, Y.Y. Nazarova
Stand to study the characteristics X-ray image intensifier tubes
E.V. Egorova, V.I. Nefedov, M.A. Karpov, А.V. Shpak, D.V. Nikishin, D.N. Baranov, А.А. Markin
Hyperboloid axisymmetric energy analyzer based on two ring-type electrodes
V.S. Gurov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Electronics, Rector of Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
P.I. Kuksa - Student, Department General and Experimental Physics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Izopath electron and ion optical systems with the angular focusing
A.A. Trubitsyn - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
M.V. Dubkov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Vice Rector for Academic Work, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
D.Yu. Tarabrin - Post-graduate Student, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
Analysis of the interdependence of internal and external magnetic fields MPFS TWT
E.A. Emelianov - Post-graduate Student, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov) A.A. Zaharov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov)
Antenna-applicator with focusing properties for hospital application
S. V. Turygin - Engineer, Department of Biomedical Technique, Vologodskij State University V. A. Yatskevich - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Biomedical Technique, Vologodskij State University. E-mail:
Results of research and development of a closed-loop laser focusing control system, implementing the method of double frequency of the spherical wave front probing
А.V. Nazarenko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Specialised Design Bureau, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: Ya.I. Malashko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: А.О. Skvortsov - Deputy Head of Department, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: А.N. Kleymenov - Leading Engineer, JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: V.S. Denkevich - Engineer 1 cat., JSC «Almaz-Antey». E-mail:
Study of quasi-wave ionospheric disturbances using amplitude maps
V.I. Kurkin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy Director, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISTP SB RAS) (Irkutsk). E-mail: О.А. Laryunin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Research Scientist, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISTP SB RAS) (Irkutsk) А.V. Podlesny - Research Scientist, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISTP SB RAS) (Irkutsk) D.S. Lukin - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). E-mail: Ya.М. Chernyak - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). E-mail: А.S. Kryukovsky - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Russian New University (RNU) (Moscow). E-mail: D.V. Rastyagaev - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Russian New University (RNU) (Moscow). E-mail:
Influence of geometry of electrode system on efficiency of hyperboloid energy analyzers
V.S. Gurov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Electronics, Rector, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: A.A. Trubitsyun - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Industrial Electronics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: P.I. Kuksa - Student, Department of General and Experimental Physics, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
The impact of large-scale ionospheric irregularities on the energy characteristics of HF radio waves near the dead zone
P.F. Denisenko - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Radiophysics and Space Research, Research Institute of Physics SFU (Rostov-on-Don). E-mail: A.I. Skazik - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute of Physics SFU (Rostov-on-Don) G.A. Zbankov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Research Institute of Physics SFU (Rostov-on-Don)
About the focusing of charged particles by electrostatic axially symmetric hyperbolic field
V.S. Gurov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Industrial Electronics», Rector of Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: A.A. Trubitsyn - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: E.Yu. Grachev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Industrial Electronics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail: P.I. Kuksa - Post-graduate Student, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
Noise temperature of a receiving array-fed reflector antenna
Yu. V. Krivosheev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, JSC "Radiofizika"; Lecturer of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. E-mail: A. V. Shishlov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC "Radiofizika"; Deputy Head of Department of Radio physics and technical cybernetics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
About the laser beam focusing on the dynamic distant point target with the use of the modernized doubled frequency method
V.S. Denkevich - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail: A.N. Kleimenov - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail: Ya.I. Malashko - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail: A.V. Nazarenko - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail: A.O. Skvortsov - Employee, PJSC «NPO Almaz» (Moscow). E-mail:
Doppler parameters modeling of spaceborn synthetic aperture radars

A.S. Petrov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, 

Lavochkin Association (Moscow region, Khimki)


Field emission electron-optical system for the terahertz TWT with a ribbon electron beam

M.V. Davidovich – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Department of Radiotechnique and Electrodynamics, Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky


N.A. Bushuev – Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), General Director of JSC «SPE «Almaz» (Saratov)


R.K. Jafarov – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Laboratory, Saratov branch of Kotel'nikov IRE of RAS E-mail:

Periodic magnetic focusing system with pole tips: mathematical model

A.A. Shvachko – Ph.D.(Eng.), 

Department «Electronic Devices and Systems Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

A.A. Zakharov – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, 

Department «Electronic Devices and Systems Engineering», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov E-mail:

Configuring multi-element periodic magnet focusing system based on optimal magnet placement

A.A. Shvachko − Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Department of Electronic Devices, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


A.A. Zakharov – Dr.Sc.( Eng.), Professor, 

Department of Electronic Devices, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


A.A. Potapov - Postgraduate Student

Department of Electronic Devices, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


Adjustment of the extended optical path based on the Kepler telescopic system

V.A. Meytin1, V.N. Mokshanov2, I.I. Oleynikov3, O.V. Soloviev4

1-4 JSC "Precision Systems and Instruments" (Moscow, Russia)