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Journal Nonlinear World №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Stand to study the characteristics X-ray image intensifier tubes
E.V. Egorova, V.I. Nefedov, M.A. Karpov, А.V. Shpak, D.V. Nikishin, D.N. Baranov, А.А. Markin
When experiments in plasma physics, high energy physics, controlled thermonuclear fusion, and several other scientific uses special electro-optical camera (streak camera) sensitive to X-rays with a time resolution of 10.11 ... 10-12c. Experiments with electron-optical system of an optoelectronic device modeled on a computer, the results of tests REOP separately, and then for the REER in the static mode, conducted at the facility to study the characteristics rentgenochuvstvitelnyh electron-optical converters and electro-optical cameras in the range soft X-rays with energies of 0.1-10 keV photons. For testing, tuning and evaluation of the main features, a special stand, implementation lyayuschy check the basic parameters in the static and dynamic modes, proposed a block diagram of the setup for the investigation and described her work.
Pages: 255-260
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