Articles by keyword blood serum
Variations in Electromagnetic Properties of Microwaves Passing Through Human Biological Fluids
A.N. Romanov
Diagnostics of diseases by pattern of self-organization in drying drops of biological fluids
N.A. Shvetsova
Effect of arginine and zinc supplementation on the concentration of chemical elements in blood serum of internal forces conscripts
A.D. Fesyun, S.A. Grabeklis, A.V. Skalny
Effect of metals in the body on expression of free radical processes and lipoprotein profile of gas-chemical industry workers
S.I. Krasikov, A.N. Tinkov, A.A. Tinkov, O.V. Zakharova, N.V. Sharapova, M.G. Skalnaya
Effect of «bosteon» vitamin-mineral formula on the integral indices of human physiological and elemental status at increased psychoemotional and physical load
A.D. Fesyun
Homeostasis in Rats Tissues at Citrate Introduction under Experimental Thyrotoxicosis Development
O.A. Safonova, T.N. Popova, L. Saidi
Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Content in Localized Breast Cancer and its Prognostic Significance
L.K. Ovchinnikova, M.V. Gritskevich, A.A. Tuleuova, O.M. Kuznetsova, G.N. Shvetsova, I.K. Vorotnikov, T.T. Berezov
Bone Tumors and Levels of Interferon α and γ in Blood Serum
I.V. Babkina, N. E. Kushinsky, E.A. Ten, Yu.N. Soloviev, O.I. Kostileva, G.N. Machak, M.D. Aliev
Soluble form of adhesion molecules vascular endothelial one (sVCAM-1) in patients with bone tumors
I.V. Babkina, E.Yu. Russo, Yu.N. Soloviev, I.N. Kuznetsov, E.A. Ten, M.D. Aliev
Comparative Analysis of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 in Blood Serum and Tumors 64 of Patients with Malignant, Borderline and Benign Ovarian Neoplasms
Yu.V. Kryuk, I.V. Tereshkina, G.N. Shvetsova, V.D. Ermilova, A.K. Antonov
Free light chains - biochemical markers of monoclonal gammapathies
N.V. Lyubimova, T.V. Ageeva, T.Yu. Kharitidy, A.N. Danilov, O.M. Votyakova
Investigation of extract oak silkworm pupae on the metabolism during hyperlipidemia development
E.O. Danchenko
Comparative analysis of serum levels of zonulin in healthy donors and patients with inflammatory bowel diseases

N.N. Zybina1, E.P. Salyanova2, Yu.S. Timofeev3, A.A. Alferov4, O.V. Kovaleva5, P.V. Tsarapaev6, N.V. Lyubimova7, E.L. Nikonov8, N.E. Kushlinskii9

1 A.M. Nikifirov All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine
Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)

2–4,7 A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

5,6,9 N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

8 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow)

Clinical and laboratory significance of endostatin in blood serum of adolescents with bone sarcomas

O.N. Merkuryeva1, I.V. Babkina2, I.V. Bulycheva3, P.L. Prishchep4, O.M. Romantsova5, S.R. Varfolomeeva6, N.E. Kushlinskii7

1,2 A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

3,7 N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

4–6 Research Institute of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology
N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

Blood serum as an information and analytical system of the human body

V.N. Shabalin1, S.N. Shatokhina2

1 Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology (Moscow, Russia)

2 Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky (Moscow, Russia)

Serum galectin-3 and -9 and clinical and morphological characteristics of colorectal cancer

O.V. Kovaleva1, Yu.B. Kuzmin2, A.A. Alferov3, A.N. Gratchev4, S.O. Kochkina5, L.V. Akulenko6, N.N. Zybina7, O.O. Janushevich8, Z.Z. Mammadli9, I.S. Stilidi10, N.E. Kushlinskii11

1–5,9–11 N.N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

2,3,6,8,11 A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry
of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)

7 A.M. Nikiforov All-Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia)