350 rub
Journal №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Effect of «bosteon» vitamin-mineral formula on the integral indices of human physiological and elemental status at increased psychoemotional and physical load
A.D. Fesyun
In the study the elemental status of Russian internal forces conscripts were assessed and the effect of vitamin-mineral complex «Bosteon» on it under conditions of increased physical and psycho-emotional stress. Totally, 61 soldiers have been examined; the study included psychomotor testing, testing by methods of spiroarteriocardiorythmografy and laser correlation spectroscopy, and evaluation of body mineral status. The testing was carried out before and after the course of restorative treatment with «Bosteon» correction course. Duration of the correction course was 2 months. The study showed that after 2 months of «Bosteon» use the number of persons with positive individual changes in physiological status reached 66%, and in persons who had pneumonia the positive changes were detected in 80% cases. According to the analysis before the correction course, soldiers differed from the control group by deficiency of Ca, Mg, Se, Zn, I, excess of K, Na, P, Fe, Cr, Al, Pb, Cd, Bi, La, and abnormal Ca/P ratio. Supplementation with «Bosteon» had a positive effect on the recovery of elemental status as a whole. Thus, the use of «Bosteon» had increased the levels of macro elements Ca, Na, and the trace element Cr; had lowered concentrations of essential (K, Fe, Se) elements. Overall, these results indicate a moderate positive effect of «Bosteon» on mineral metabolism. Thus, vitamin-mineral complex «Bosteon» causes a distinct positive effect on functional state of the servicemen, working under conditions of permanent psychic and physical stress, and can be recommended for wide use in recovery medicine to restore and enhance body functional reserves.
Pages: 55-60
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