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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №9 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Free light chains - biochemical markers of monoclonal gammapathies
N.V. Lyubimova, T.V. Ageeva, T.Yu. Kharitidy, A.N. Danilov, O.M. Votyakova
Serum κ- and λ-free light chains and its ratio were measured in 126 patients 23 - 80 years old with monoclonal gammapathies and 60 normal individuals 25 - 82 years old. The diagnosis were intact immunoglobulin multiple myeloma (IIMM) (n=87), Bence Jones myeloma (n=18), nonsecretory MM (n=7), plasmоcytoma (n=6) and monoclonal gammapathies of undetermined significance (MGUS) (n=8). The FLCs assay was performed using the FreeliteTM assay (The Binding Site Ltd, UK) on a Hitachi 911 automated nephelometer. sFLC levels were found to be high in most patients with IIMM, Bence Jones myeloma and plasmоcytoma. The diagnostic accuracy of FLC assay in serum by immunoturbidimetry method was 90,5 %. Combining sFLC testing with serum protein electrophoresis and immunofixation provides 98,8 % accuracy in the first-line diagnosis of monoclonal gammapathies. Our study demonstrated high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity for immunoturbidimetry method detection of FLC in serum of patients with monoclonal gammapathies.
Pages: 15-20
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