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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №7 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Serum Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Content in Localized Breast Cancer and its Prognostic Significance
L.K. Ovchinnikova, M.V. Gritskevich, A.A. Tuleuova, O.M. Kuznetsova, G.N. Shvetsova, I.K. Vorotnikov, T.T. Berezov
Basal (pretreatment) serum VEGF levels were measured in 248 T1-2N0M0 breast cancer patients and 55 practically healthy women (control group). Mean VEGF level in the total group of breast cancer patients was significantly higher than in control. In T2N0M0 breast cancer patients serum VEGF concentrations exceeding the threshold level (300 pg/ml) were found more frequently (25 %) than in T1N0M0 patients (13 %). VEGF levels in breast cancer patients were not associated with their age and menopausal status, and tumor receptor (ER, PgR) status. VEGF levels were significantly higher in patients with lobular invasive cancer than in those with ductal cancer, and in patients with poorly differentiated cancer than in those with moderately and highly differentiated tumors. High (≥300 pg/ml) VEGF levels were more frequently found in breast cancer patients that relapsed in the first 3 years of follow-up than in patients with no relapse during this period (p = 0.001). We suggest that pretreatment serum VEGF determination in T2N0M0 breast cancer patients could be used for adjustment of early (in the first 3 years) relapse prognosis as a complement marker to traditional clinico-pathological disease characteristics
Pages: 28-34
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