350 rub
Journal №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Effect of metals in the body on expression of free radical processes and lipoprotein profile of gas-chemical industry workers
S.I. Krasikov, A.N. Tinkov, A.A. Tinkov, O.V. Zakharova, N.V. Sharapova, M.G. Skalnaya
Content of metals in hair of gas-chemical industry workers was estimated, as well as its effect on the expression of free radical processes and the serum lipoprotein profile. Persons employed in different cycles of industrial activity were revealed to have significant differences in hair metal content. At the same time, the phenomenon of oxidative stress, as well as the highest values of atherogenic index were typical for workers with the highest content of the metals in hair.
Pages: 51-56
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