Articles by keyword нагрев
Comparative Analyses Microwave (MW) and Radiofrequency (RF) Heating for Thermal Ablation of Tumor
Makarov V.N., Uschenko G.V.
Application of ActiveX framework in software for investigation of process of heating of alumina ceramic by concentrated laser radiation
V. K. Bityukov, V. A. Petrov, I. V. Smirnov
Estimation of Influence of the Error of the form on Stability of Reflective Characteristics of the Revealing Spherical Calibration Space Apparatus
V.N. Zavalii, N.P. Chernetsky, E.N. Filin, S.V. Jakubowsky
Dependence of threshold capacity of breakdown on pressure of gas in various operating modes of the generator of microwave-radiation with jumps of a phase
V.I. Karas, I.V. Karas, A.G. Zagorodny, V.I. Zasenko, I.F. Potapenko, A.N. Starostin
Standing Temperature Waves in Magnetic Tubes in the Sun
V.A. Kovalev
Features of Universal System «Metatom-2» for Radiofrequency Heating of Tissue in Different Operation Modes
A.A. Bobrov, V.N. Makarov, S.M. Makarova, M.A. Makhov, M.Yu. Proshkin, G.V. Yushchenko
About Nonlinear Source of Heating During Solar Flares
V.A. Kovalev
Cyclotron-Resonance Interaction of Electrons with Electromagnetic Waves
Milant-ev V.P.
Variations of amplitude-phase responces of HF radiowaves on slightly tilted tracks, accompanied heating of ionosphere with powerful periodic radio emission and passage through the solar terminator
K. P. Garmash, S. G. Leus, S. V. Panasenko, L. F. Chernogor
Influence of Nature Heater into Water Electrical Conductivity and IR-Absorption Spectrum
G.G. Shishkin, V.G. Rebrov, A.D. Usanov, D.A. Usanov
Characteristics of microstrip patch antennas with heat resistance cover of hypersonic aircraft
А.A. Ovodenko, A.R. Bestugin, V.N. Krasyuk, M.B. Ryzhikov
Investigation of efficiency of microwave heating of chemical substances samples in single-mode resonator cavity
V.V. Komarov, A.A. Dovgan
Electron energy increase in stochastically given field and high-frequency discharge
V.N. Ostroushko
Experimental study of the level of uneven heating of dielectric materials and the absorbed power in the microwave resonator-type devices
V.A. Kolomeitsev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radioengineering, Saratov State Technical University named Yu. A. Gagarin
A.E. Semenov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radiotechnic, Saratov State Technical University
D.N. Nikuiko - Post-graduate Student, Department of Radiotechnic, Saratov State Technical University
Y. A. Kuzmin - Deputy General Director of JSC «Almaz-Fazotron» (Saratov)
Experimental modeling of laser thermoplasty of costal cartilage
V.A. Plyakin - Ph.D. (Med.), Head of Educational and Clinical Department, Scientific Research Institute of Urgent Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology. E-mail:
I.O. Kulik - Surgeon in Surgery Department, Domodedovo Central City Hospital
O.L. Zakharkina - Research Scientist, Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, RAS
N.N. Vorobieva - Research Scientist, Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, RAS
A.P. Sviridov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist, Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, RAS
N.V. Bagratashvili - Research Scientist, Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, RAS
N.Yu. Ignatieva - Dr.Sc. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Chemical Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University
V.P. Minaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, NTO «IRE-Polus»
O.O. Sarukhanyan - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Deputy Director on science, Scientific Research Institute of Urgent Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology
V.N. Bagratashvili - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of division, Institute on Laser and Information Technologies, Russian Academy of Sciences
On the relationship extensive ionospheric disturbances with the work of the pumping stands
P.S. Krjukov - Post-graduate Student, Russian New University (Moscow). E-mail:
V.T. Poljakov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Russian New University (Moscow). E-mail:
Mathematical modeling of drying electromagnetic waves taking into account the thermophysical the heterogeneity of the environment
A.M. Afanasiev Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor Department of Information Security, Volgograd State University, Institute of Priority Technologies V.K. Mikhailov Ph.D.(Chem.), Associate Professor, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Engineering Volgograd State Technical University B.N. Siplivy Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Physico-Technical Institute, Deputy Director of the Physico-Technical Institute of Science, Volgograd State University
Application of power dividers on waveguides coupled by means of stub bifurcations for thermal processing of dielectric materials
A.A. Skvortsov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail:
The fast and slow modes of solar flare 5.07.2009
V.A. Kovalev - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS I.G. Kostuchenko - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry M.I. Savchenko - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (St Petersburg) Y.E. Charikov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute (St Petersburg)
Heating of wave guides of spacecrafts of communication by transfer of SHF-signals
P.N. Silchenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) I.V. Kudryavtsev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk). E-mail: М.М. Michnev - Production manager, JSC Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (Zheleznogorsk) О.B. Gotseluk - Engineer, JSC Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems (Zheleznogorsk)
The comparison of braking and cyclotron radiation power in conditions of ionospheric plasma heating
V.B. Lapshin - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Director Institute of Applied Geophysics n.a. E.K. Fedorov (Moscow) E-mail: N.G. Kotonaeva - Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Deputy Head of Department, Institute of Applied Geophysics n.a. E.K. Fedorov (Moscow) E-mail: E.S. Perminova - Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Geophysics n.a. E.K. Fedorov (Moscow) E-mail:
Modeling of the behavior of small carbon cluster C3 during heating in argon
N.M. Barbin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ural Agrarian State University, Ekaterinburg E-mail: V.P. Dan - Post-graduare Student, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ekaterinburg E-mail: D.I. Terentiev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ekaterinburg S.G. Alekseev - Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor, Ural Institute of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia, Ekaterinburg
The thermal analysis of power microwave HIC operation
V.A. Iovdalsky - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, JSC «RPC «Istok» named after Shokin (Fryazino, Moscow reg.); Associate Professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA) N.V. Ganyushkina - Employee, JSC «RPC «Istok» named after Shokin (Fryazino) V.P. Marin - Academic APK, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Moscow Technological University (MIREA) V.S. Seregin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), General Director - General Designer, JSC «SPA «NIITAL» (Moscow) I.A. Sokolov - Ph. D. (Eng.), General Director - General Designer, JSC «NII «Micropribor» named after G.J. Guskov (Moscow)
Nanotechnology, nanostructures and nanomaterials in diagnostics, prevention and treatment of cancer disease
E.A. Aliev Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Department of Biotechnical and Medical Apparatuses and Systems, Dagestan State Technical University; General Director, LLC «Educational -Scientific-Production Complex «Aura-Alif», Makhachkala E-mail: Sh. O. Abdulaev Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Member of the Academy of engineering Sciences, Chief Research Scientist, Dagestan Scientific Centre of RAS, Deputy General Director, LLC «Educational -Scientific-Production Complex «Aura-Alif», Makhachkala E-mail: D.A. Ammaeva Research Scientist, LLC «Educational -Scientific-Production Complex «Aura-Alif» (Makhachkala) E-mail:
Comparison of radiofrequency ablation processes for monopolar and bipolar systems

V.N. Makarov¹, N.A. Boos²

1 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia), Firm “TECHNOSVET” (Moscow, Russia)

2 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

Radiation characteristics of the airborne antenna taking into account higher modes

V.F. Mikhailov

Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)    

Determination of the efficiency of onboard antennas of returned spacecraft

V.F. Mikhailov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor,

Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instruments



В.А. Иовдальский – д.т.н., зав. лабораторией, АО «НПП «Исток» им. Шокина» (г. Фрязино, Моск. обл.);
доцент, Московский технологический университет (МИРЭА)

Н.В. Ганюшкина – сотрудник, АО «НПП «Исток» им. Шокина» (г. Фрязино)

В.П. Марин – академик АПК, д.т.н., профессор, Московский технологический университет (МИРЭА)

В.С. Серегин – д.т.н., ген. директор – ген. конструктор, ЗАО «НПО «НИИТАЛ» (Москва)

И.А. Соколов – к.т.н., ген. директор – ген. конструктор, АО «НИИ «Микроприбор» им. Г.Я. Гуськова (Москва)


Г.И. Андреев - д.т.н., профессор, генеральный директор,
АО «ЦНИРТИ им. академика А.И. Берга» (Москва, Россия)
М.Е. Замарин - зам. генерального директора по научной работе,
АО «ЦНИРТИ им. академика А.И. Берга» (Москва, Россия)
А.В. Малинка - к.воен.н., начальник отдела,
АО «ЦНИРТИ им. академика А.И. Берга» (Москва, Россия)

Modeling on-board antennas of aerodynamic heating and plasma exposure with simultaneous measurement of their radio technical characteristics

Dina V. Vasil'eva, Viktor F. Mikhaylov

 Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) (St. Petersburg, Russia),

Development of a mock-up of an automated hardware and software complex for tumor ablation

V.N. Makarov1, N.A. Boos2, M.A. Makhov3, K.O. Kuchin4

1,2 MIREA – Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

1,3,4 Firm “Technosvet” LLC (Moscow, Russia)

Thermal field distribution in the near zone of a coaxial-slot directional emitter for microwave thermal destruction of tumor

V.A. Yolkin1, V.V. Komarov2, V.P. Meschanov3

1,3 NIKA-SVCH Ltd (Saratov, Russia)

2 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov (Saratov, Russia)

Methodology of bases of construction and the requirement to the design of antennas of aircraft, development of the broadband antenna with double polarization for application in antenna lattices of the RAB aircraft equipment

G.I. Andreev – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, General Director, 

JSC «Central Radio-Research Institute named after Academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

M.E. Zamarin − Deputy General Director for Science, 

JSC «Central Radio-Research Institute named after Academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)


A.V. Malinka − Ph.D. (Military), Head of Department, 

JSC «Central Radio-Research Institute named after Academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia) E-mail:

Theoretical investigation of nonlinear mode interaction on the front of accelerating voltage pulse in MW-power gyrotron with 250 GHz operating frequency

V.L. Bakunin – Junior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)


M.Yu. Glyavin – Head of Laboratory, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)


Yu.V. Novozhilova – Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod)


A.S. Sedov – Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Physics of RAS (N. Novgorod) E-mail:

Combination of ohmic and dielectric heating for tumor ablation

V.N. Makarov¹, N.A. Boos²

1–2 MIREA — Russian Technological University (Moscow, Russia)

Research of the temperature change in the external ear while talking on a mobile phone

L.A. Bondareva 
Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Instrument-Making, Metrology and Certification, Oryol State University
А.А. Berezina 
Engineer, Radiological Department, Oryol oncological clinic

Interaction of radio waves with the ionosphere: history and prospects

Yu.M. Perunov1, V.G. Dmitriev2, A.I. Kupriyanov3, S.I. Kozlov4

1,2,4 Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

3 Moscow Aviation Institute (Moscow, Russia)

1,2,4, 3