350 rub

Journal Radioengineering №7 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Application of power dividers on waveguides coupled by means of stub bifurcations for thermal processing of dielectric materials
power divider
coupled waveguides
transmission coefficient
stub bifurcation
rectangular waveguide
complex cross section waveguide
electrical component
dominant mode
dielectric material
uniform heating
A.A. Skvortsov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Electronics and telecommunications», Yuri Gagarin State Technical University (Saratov). E-mail: sotrudniki.1@yandex.ru
Presently, the development of microwave devices for uniform volumetric heating of dielectric materials is one of the actual problems of microwave engineering. Application of multi-element power dividers on waveguides coupled by means of stub bifurcations, which contain a treated sample placed in the secondary channel of complex cross section, and the primary channel has a standard cross section input, is one of the ways to solve the problem of the uniform volumetric heating of dielectric materials.
A combination of complex cross section shaped waveguide, which allows one to even a distribution of electrical component of dominant mode in the cross section of a secondary channel, with an excitation system being the transition to a primary channel on rectangular waveguide and providing the uniform distribution of electrical component of the dominant mode along the treated material, allows one to shorten significantly longitudinal dimensions of the power divider and simplify it matching with microwave energy sources.
Since main principles of building such a device do not depend on shapes of waveguides cross sections that form the primary and secondary channels, simple variant of a power divider on rectangular waveguides coupled along the wide wall by means of stub bifurcations, the secondary channel of which is partially filled by a dielectric material with loss has been considered.
It is shown that necessary law of electromagnetic wave energy distribution along treated sample can be achieved by several methods: by a choice of sizes of coupling holes, by a choice of their placement on wide walls of coupled waveguides, by changing the height of primary waveguide in accordance with preliminary set law, and by combination of listed earlier methods. Preferable from the technological viewpoint is the method when sizes of coupling holes are not changed.
Thus, considered in this work main principles of building dividers on waveguides coupled by means of stub bifurcations, which provide (at the rational choice both of the secondary channel configuration, and the method of it excitation) a uniform distribution of electrical component of dominant mode field both in the cross section of the treated material, and along it, can be successfully used for the development of microwave devices intended for uniform volumetric heating of dielectric materials.
Pages: 70-75
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