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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Characteristics of microstrip patch antennas with heat resistance cover of hypersonic aircraft
А.A. Ovodenko, A.R. Bestugin, V.N. Krasyuk, M.B. Ryzhikov
A surface of hypersonic aircraft is very hot by flight with hypersonic velocity. Aircraft must have a thermal protection coating. In this article are presented the results of comparison of modern heat resistance covers. The principals of heat removal and the main requirements of the coatings for antennas considered. The possibility of using two-layer coating to protect the microstrip patch antennas was analyzed. The inner layer of the coating is made by using of carbon-carbon composite materials with high emissivity in the infrared by heating. The outer layer is a ceramic coating, which protects against oxidation and mechanical damage. This coating allows the use microstrip path antennas and arrays by accommodation in some areas the surface of hypersonic aircraft with heating to 1100 °C. Method of calculating the basic parameters of microstrip path antennas with two-layer dielectric cover has been developed. The calculation results showed that the size of the resonant covered antenna is less than path without cover. The width of the main beam, the loss of coherence in the resistance and the input impedance at the edge is greater than parameters of the uncoated microstrip patch. Recommendations for the choice of parameters and materials for the design of microstrip antennas with two-layer heat resistance cover have been proposed.
Pages: 9-14
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