350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2018 г.
Article in number:
Research of the temperature change in the external ear while talking on a mobile phone
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 577.3

L.A. Bondareva 
Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Instrument-Making, Metrology and Certification, Oryol State University
-mail: 270174@mail.ru
А.А. Berezina 
Engineer, Radiological Department, Oryol oncological clinic
Е-mail: alinochkafev@mail.ru


Modern base of national regulatory documents in the field of radio frequency electromagnetic fields, which define the safety requirements for the operation of mobile phones, based on the idea that the electromagnetic field of cell phone should not cause a thermal effect in the tissue. The basis for hygienic standardization ICNIRP based on a different approach. The assessment of impacts of electromagnetic radiation is accomplished by detecting thermal biological effects and stable pathological responses of the organism, arising from this impact. Guarantee the lack of heating is due to the subsequent introduction of the safety factor of 50, which is considered sufficient, since this approach is supported by WHO.

However, each user observes substantial increase of temperature in the outer ear where the phone contact with the man's head. In assessing the impact of mobile phone on human body, the most significant fact is that during each cellular communication session, not only the ear area and the ear auricle, but also the receptor structures of the auditory and vestibular analyzers and deeper structures of the human brainare heated, because radiation in the microwave range has a high penetrating ability.

Experimental studies showed the necessity of more detailed analysis and revision of existing norms, as within a 15-minute conversation on a cell phone all the volunteers who participated in the experiment, observed heating in the area of the ear canal and in the region close to the eardrum, by 2,5 times exceeding value, the normed in the international standards. Anatomically the eardrum is located close to the center of thermoregulation of the human body – the hypothalamus, so the temperature of the eardrum is traditionally associated with the temperature of the internal structures of the brain. Fixed heating in the area of the eardrum tells about the heating of the brain during communication cell session.

Participation in the experiment volunteers of different age allowed us to estimate the temperature changes that occur during a session of cellular communication, characterized for different age categories. For the participants of the experiment, it was possible to note the general trend, which is that, the younger the volunteer is, the stronger the heating of the outer ear is. Such conclusion indirectly confirms the most harmful effect of electromagnetic radiation of cell phones is render to children and young people,resulting in absolutely justified look instructions SanPiN 2.1.8/ not recommend the use of mobile phone by children and adolescents under 18 years.

As recommendations, based on the results of the study, proposes the introduction of restrictions on the duration of talking on a cell phone in case of excess temperature in the eardrum, and, consequently, in the hypothalamus, about 0,5 0C, and revising existing norms of hygienic standards, both in Russia and abroad.

Pages: 4-11
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Date of receipt: 20 февраля 2018 г