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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Influence of Nature Heater into Water Electrical Conductivity and IR-Absorption Spectrum
G.G. Shishkin, V.G. Rebrov, A.D. Usanov, D.A. Usanov
The increase in water electrical conductivity during its heating by biological object vs. heating by electrical heater is shown in Ref. 4. Since the biological heater comprises significant amount of water, to find out its role the experiments with various sources of heating were carried out. In former case the electrical heater was used as a source of heating of water volume. In latter case the vapours of water, its thermal emission and vessel walls were used as heating sources. Experiments showed that while using water vapours as a heater the more significant increase in water electrical conductivity was observed compared with electrical heaters. Besides it was shown that IR spectra of absorption of water vapours for various ways of water heating differ considerably as well. Maximum absorption is observed in bands of valence oscillations (~3000-3600 cm-1), of deformation oscillations (~1650 cm-1) and in spectral range formed by the sum of deformation and librational oscillations of water molecules (~2130-2150 cm-1). Since during the heating by water vapours the more substantial change in molecule energetic state due to excitation of vibrational levels is taking place, that leads to the change in molecule size and spatial configuration. This causes substantial increase of polarization of the whole water system and as a consequence the improvement of its structurization and as a result the rise in electrical conductivity. Besides the effect can be connected with photochemical dissociation. The decrease in dissociation energy due to excitation will lead to the increase in dissociation constants and rate and to the rise of unbounded ion number. Eventually it will induce the increase in electrical conductivity.
Pages: 56-61
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