Yu.M. Perunov1, V.G. Dmitriev2, A.I. Kupriyanov3, S.I. Kozlov4
1,2,4 Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
3 Moscow Aviation Institute (Moscow, Russia)
1,2,4 geospheres@idg.chph.ras.ru, 3 aik125167@mail.ru
The impact of electromagnetic radiation on the ionosphere and the assessment of the possibility of controlling geophysical processes occurring in the ionosphere occupies one of the main places in the study of processes occurring in the upper atmosphere. The purpose of this work was the assessment of the current state of research that was held from the beginning of this work on the effects on the ionosphere by heaters. The paper shows how the technologies of active exposure to the ionosphere by electromagnetic radiation have developed, which have so far made it possible to control the parameters of the ionosphere within a certain framework. Powerful transmitters with phased antenna systems – heating stands – are used for active targeted impact on the ionosphere. As a result of ionosphere heating, conditions can be created to ensure ultra-long-range communication by using waveguide channels formed by ionosphere layers F1 and F2; creation of local areas of space with high ionization for destructive effects on space objects; formation of active interference to radio-electronic communication systems, data transmission, radar and radio navigation; generation of biologically active signals. Active influence on the ionosphere allows generating secondary radiation at very low frequencies suitable for communication with underground and underwater objects. At the same time, the obtained results cannot provide stable directional control of geophysical processes without taking into account the influence of solar flares on the ionosphere, the level of cosmic radiation and other natural factors. The obtained conclusions make it possible to objectively assess the need for additional measures and identify those areas of research that will bring the management of geophysical processes in the ionosphere to a new, higher quality level.
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