Articles by keyword атомарные функции
The Method of Multifrequency Subsurface Sensing of an Underlying Surface
© V.K. Volosyuk, V.F. Kravchenko, V.V. Pavlikov, B.G. Kutuza
New Constructions of Kravchenko-Chebyshev-Legendre Spectral Functions
D.V. Churikov
Atomic Functions in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
V. F. Kravchenko, O. V. Kravchenko, A. R. Safin
The Properties of Orthocorrelational Image Shift Discriminators
A. V. Gapon
Applying of Atomic Functions for Chirp Signal Weight Processing
Varlamov D.L., Kostrov V.V., Bernyukov A.K.
The family of atomic functions and wavelets in correlation radar signal processing
V. F. Kravchenko, D. V. Churikov
New Class of Probabilistic Weight Functions in Digital Signal and Image Processing
V. F. Kravchenko, O. V. Kravchenko, A. R. Safin, D. V. Churikov
Stationary random processes interpolation on the basis of atomic functions
O.V. Kravchenko, A.R. Safin
Analysis of time-series on basis of complex WA-systems of Kravchenko functions
V.F. Kravchenko, D.V.Churikov
Atomic Functions and Phase-locked Loop Systems with Samples
V.F. Kravchenko, O.V. Kravchenko, A.R. Safin
Kravchenko Weight Functions in Problems of Radar-Images Restoration at the Aperture's Modified Synthesis
V.K. Volosyuk, V.F. Kravchenko, V.V. Pavlikov
Analytical two-dimensional WA-systems of Kravchenko-Rvachev functions in problems of digital signal and image processing
V. F. Kravchenko, V. I. Pustovoit, D. V. Churikov
Atomic Functions and WA-systems of Functions in Radio Physics and Techniques Modern Problems
V.F. Kravchenko, O.V. Kravchenko, V.I. Pustovoit, D.V. Churikov
Iterative Algorithms for Numerical Solution of Differential Equations with Linearly Transformed Argument
Ya. Yu. Konovalov
Complex WA-systems of Kravchenko functions in the time series pro-cessing
D.V. Churikov
Atomic function ha(x) in the problem of probability density function estimation
D.V. Churikov
Integrated nonparametric probability density estimates on the basis of atomic functions
D.V. Churikov
New spectrally efficient spread spectrum signals based on atomic functions

E.V. Kuzmin1

1 Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)