Articles by keyword радиоволны
© D.L. Berezhnykh, I.Y. Golikov, A.V. Levsha
Progress in millimeter and submillimeter waves technology
R. P. Bistrov, A. V. Sokolov, L. V. Fedorova, R. N. Chekanov
Distortion Estimate of Psk-Signals by Sounding of Exited Ionosphere
G.I. Kuleshov, N.A. Koledin
Features of Millimeter and Centimeter Radio Waves Scattering by the Fractal Surface of Finite Dimensions
A.A. Potapov, A.V. Laktyunkin
Modeling of Distribution of Radio-Waves in Gorges
Kurennoi E.V., Kuzmin V.K., Gureev I.E.
Electrophysical Characteristics of Biological Objects for Dot Radiowave Means of Detection
Onufriev N.V., Sokolova M.A., Skridlevskii A.V.
Modern Radio Engineering Control Systems and Seekers of the High-Precision Weapon (Parth I)
A. B. Borzov, R. P. Bystrov, A. S. Korachkov, V. K. Mashlijkovski, V. B. Suchkov, V. A. Cherepenin
Formation of Spectral Characteristics of Signals on Irradiation of Micropowders in the Microwave range
V. N. Bovenko, R. Yu. Gerassimov
Modern Radio Engineering Control Systems and Seekers of the High-Precision Weapon (Parth II)
A. B. Borzov, R. P. Bystrov, A. S. Korachkov, V. K. Mashlijkovski, V. B. Suchkov, V. A. Cherepenin
Fundamental and applied problems of powerful radiowaves impact on the ionosphere
S. I. Kozlov, V. M. Sorokin
Направления развития современных систем управления и наведения высокоточного оружия. Часть III
A.B. Borzov, R.P. Bystrov, A.S. Korachkov, V.K. Mashlijkovski, V.B. Suchkov, V.A. Cherepenin
The radio noise models in hf wave band for middle-latitude propogation paths based on experimental data
G.G. Vertogradov, E.G. Vertogradova, K.G. Ershov
Features of ray trajectories in the vicinity of the ionospheric local inhomogeneity with low electron concentration
K.S. Kiryanova, A.S. Kryukovsky
Influence of superficial mass transfer on decay of radio-waves in a multicomponent turbulent boundary layer
N.I. Sidnyaev, V.P. Savchenko
The limiting sensitivity of wideband radio direction finders with equidistant circular array of omni-directional antennas
A.D. Vinogradov, I.S. Dmitriev, M.Y. Ilyin, M.I. Kozlov, M.P. Slichenko, E.S. Solomko
The diagnostics of the ionosphere response to solar eclipse based on oblique LFM sounding data
G.G. Vertogradov - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Southern Federal University. E-mail: E.G. Vertogradova - Engineer, Southern Federal University. E-mail: V.P. Uryadov - D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Department. E-mail:
Features of attenuation HF radio waves near the boundary of the dead zone
P.F. Denisenko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Radio Physics and Space Researches Department, Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Southern Federal University. E-mail:
A.I. Skazik - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Head of the Space Plasma Electrodynamics Laboratory, Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Southern Federal University. E-mail:
M.Yu. Kotov - Master Student, Southern Federal University. E-mail:
The diagnostic of extensive paths in decameter waves band with the using of ground-base and space-base radio facilities
V.F. Akimov, Y.K. Kalinin, V.A. Sobchuk, G.P. Slukin, I.B. Fedorov
Cancer frequency of electromagnetic waves in the biosphere: AQUA-phasewave model of development of malignant new growths Part II. icromorphological and clinical trials, aqua-fazowave model
V.I. Petrosyan - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, leading Research Scientist, Scientific and Production Firm «TELEMAK»
B.P. Chesnokov - Ph.D. (Chem.), Professor of Faculty Electrification and Power Supply, the Saratov State Agrarian University of a name of N. I. Vavilov
G.E. Brill - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chairs of pathological physiology of A.A. Bogomolts, The Saratov state Medical University of a name of V.I. Razumovsky
G.V. Zhukova - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Research laboratories new antineoplastic means and studying of mechanisms of their action, State Rostov Research Oncology Institute
I.V. Terechov - Ph.D. (Med.), Major of a health service Saratov military medical institute, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
V.N. Plochov - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Oncology chairs, The Saratov state medical university of a name of V.I. Razumovsky
S.N. Potachin - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Chairs of the general surgery, The Saratov State Medical University of a name of V.I. Razumovsky
E.B. Rodzaevskaya - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Histology chairs, The Saratov State Medical University of a name of V.I. Razumovsky I.A.Uuvarova - Ph.D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Histology chairs, The Saratov state medical university of a name of V.I. Razumovsky
V.D. Tupikin - Ph.D. (Med.), Assistant, Histology chairs, The Saratov state medical university of a name of V.I. Razumovsky
S.V. Vlaskin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Technical Director, Scientific and Production Firm «TELEMAK»
S.A. Dubovitskii - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), General Director, Scientific and Production Firm «TELEMAK»
Estimation of radio direction finders' sensitivity considering mutual coupling of elements of equispaced circular array antennas
A. D. Vinogradov - Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Federal State Official Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Military Educational-Research Centre of the Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh). E-mail:
M. I. Kozlov - Senior Developer, Public Corporation «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronezh). E-mail:
А. Y. Mihin - Project Manager, Public Corporation «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronezh). E-mail:
G. V. Podshivalova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Department, Public Corporation «Concern «Sozvezdie» (Voronezh). E-mail:
Influence of the ionospheric plasma horizontal gradients on attenuation of HF radio waves near deadband border
P. F. Denisenko - Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Radio Physics and Space Researches Department of Scientific Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University. E-mail:
A. I. Skazik - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Head of the Space Plasma Electrodynamics Laboratory of Scientific Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University. E-mail:
Rezonanse principles of the underwater SHF/EHF of the radio communication and radar-location
V.I. Petrosyan - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Scientist, Scientific-Production Company "TELEMAK", Saratov E-mail: S.V. Vlaskin - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Technic Director, Scientific-Production Company "TELEMAK", Saratov E-mail:, E-mail: S.A. Dubovitckiy - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), General Director, Scientific-Production Company "TELEMAK", Saratov E-mail: V.A. Lepilov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Individual Entrepreneur, Saratov O.V. Vasin - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Scientist, Krasnodar Higher Misitary Shool named after General of Army S.M. Shtemenko, Krasnodar E-mail: A.A. Kulakov - Head, Krasnodar Higher Misitary Shool named after General of Army S.M. Shtemenko, Krasnodar E-mail: Yu.S. Churikov - Head, Krasnodar Higher Misitary Shool named after General of Army S.M. Shtemenko, Krasnodar E-mail:
Application of radar means of tergertsovy range of radio waves for high-precision systems of nayedeniya
R.P. Bystrov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, 3 Central Research Institutes Ministry of Defence RF and IRE of V.A. Kotelnikov of the RAS (Moscow) E-mail: A.E. Gvozdev - Dr.Sc. (Military), Ph. D. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Researcher, 3 Central Research Institute Ministry of Defence RF (Moscow) A.V. Nemtsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Chief of Publishing Department, 3 Central Research Institute Ministry of Defence (Moscow)
Estimation of influence of uncertainty of parametres of the environment of distribution on accuracy of a fixing of a source of electromagnetic radiation in the way one-item phase coordinates definition

Yu.L. Koziratsky, M.L. Parinov, P.E. Kuleshov, Keder Soleyman

 MESC AF «N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy»

Probabilistic and statistical estimation of VHF radio wave propagation taking into account refraction in the troposphere

A.A. Kostin, V.A. Kostin, M.L. Gubenko, A.V. Erlikhman, P.A. Spitsyn

Antenna devices with software controlled parameters

Sergey V. Polyakov

Military Department

Ionospheric guiding of sliding decameter radio waves on the long traces

Yu.K. Kalinin – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Professor, Main Research Scientist, Institute of Applied Geophysics n.a. E.K. Fedorov E-mail:

A.Yu. Repin – Dr.Sc.(Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Director of Institute of Applied Geophysics n.a. E.K. Fedorov (Moscow) E-mail:

E.N. Khotenko – Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Scientific Secretary, Institute of Applied Geophysics n.a. E.K. Fedorov (Moscow) E-mail:

A.V. Shchelkalin – Head of Department of Postgraduate Studies, Institute of Applied Geophysics n.a. E.K. Fedorov (Moscow)


Concept of modified model of the one-point positioning system for high frequency radio sources that accounts for spatialpolarization parameters of radio waves

I.V. Demichev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics


V.A. Ognev – Post-graduate Student, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics


Measurement of spatial-polarization parameters of high frequency ionospheric radio waves based on the quaternions algebra

I.V. Demichev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics


V.A. Ognev – Scientist,

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics E-mail:

Mathematical modeling of angular characteristics of decameter radio waves with considering regular and random inhomogeneities of the ionosphere

А.I. Agarughev– Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Irkutsk National Research Technical University

Nguyen Minh Giang – Le Quy Don Technical university (Viet Nam)

Reconstruction of the radio wave trajectory in a three-dimensionally inhomogeneous anisotropic ionosphere based on the spatially polarization parameters

Z.F. Shaidulin1, I.V. Demichev2, D.A. Lukichev3, V.A. Ognev4

1−4Military university of Radio Electronics (Cherepovets, Russia)


Ю.Л. Козирацкий1, М.Л. Паринов2, П.Е. Кулешов3, Кедер Солайман4

1-4 ВУНЦ ВВС «ВВА им. профессора Н.Е. Жуковского и Ю.А. Гагарина» (г. Воронеж, Россия)

Radio – 150 years

V.A. Romanjuk1

1 National Research University «MIET» (Moscow, Russia)

The influence of the diffraction of electromagnetic waves on the characteristics of NRL

N.Yu. Babanov1, V.I. Esipenko2, V.I. Irkhin3

1,2 Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseev (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)

3 UTA Protection Group (Moscow, Russia)