I.V. Demichev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics
E-mail: cvviur6@mil.ru
V.A. Ognev – Scientist,
Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering School of Radio Electronics E-mail: cvviur6@mil.ru
Determining the direction of arrival of an electromagnetic wave is possible by restoring the plane of its polarization. For what, in the general case, the orientation of the antenna is necessary taking into account the direction of wave propagation. However, the method proposed by M. Morgan and V. Evans makes it possible to determine the polarization parameters in the plane of the wave front in any propagation direction of the radio wave by measuring three mutually orthogonal complex projections of the field vector.
To implement the method, an antenna with linearly polarized elements located in space in three mutually orthogonal directions is necessary. In this case, the phase centers of the antenna elements should be located at one point. A variant of such an antenna can be a system of mutually orthogonal symmetrical vibrators. The signals from the outputs of mutually orthogonal elements actually reflect the orthogonal projections of the complex amplitudes of the field of the incoming electromagnetic wave. At this stage, it is assumed that the requirements for the identity of the amplitude-phase characteristics of the three-channel antenna-receiving path are fulfilled, and it provides the in-phase recording of signals.
In practice, this approach has not received due distribution to the cumbersome mathematical apparatus associated with coordinate transformation, insufficient instrumental and software development of the proposed technical implementation options and is practically implemented in relation to solving the problem of polarization mode separation in the long-wavelength range.
The transition to the concept of a full field vector suggests a mathematical description of the processes of rotational motion of vectors, their movement in space with a change of coordinate parameters. From this point of view, the most convenient is the use of the apparatus of quaternions - four-dimensional hypercomplex numbers with special rules of multiplication.
The description of the motion of an electromagnetic wave using the quaternion apparatus also provides methodological advantages.
In quaternions, this description is the most complete and compact, being at the same time quite simple and accessible to study. The appearance of the antenna-receiving path intended for solving the problem of determining the direction of arrival of an electromagnetic wave changes significantly. Thus, the system is based on a single receiving point without spacing antennas in area and runs as a tree-orthogonal antenna and a three-channel signal processing path.
Spatial-polarization processing allows both determining the angles of arrival of an electromagnetic wave and polarization parameters, as well as obtaining the energy gain of the extracted useful signal depending on the type of polarization and the direction wave arrival to 12 dB.
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