V.A. Romanjuk1
1 National Research University «MIET» (Moscow, Russia)
The discovery of the electromagnetic field theory and its experimental confirmation led to
the emergence of a new era in the development of mankind – the era of radio, which significantly changed the nature of people's lives. The initial experiments on the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves were replaced by the invention and application of methods for modulating high-frequency oscillations and their detection, the appearance of lamp, then transistor and integrated radio engineering. The new era is distinguished by advances in radar, the creation of global radio navigation systems, radio control, medicine, space exploration. A large number of scientists, engineers and research enthusiasts from many countries of the world participated in the development of radio. Thanks to the advent of cellular communications, mobile phones with built-in computers and access to the Internet, the way of life of a person has fundamentally changed.
The purpose of the work is to review the era of radio and the changes that it has brought to the life of mankind.
The main events associated with the emergence, development and achievements of the era of radio are considered.
Knowledge of the history of the formation and achievements of radio engineering is necessary for young people entering the field of radio, and useful for specialists already working in this area of human activity.
Romanjuk V.A. Radio – 150 years. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2023. V. 77. № 5. P. 64–76. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20700784-202305-01 [in Russian]
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