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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Application of radar means of tergertsovy range of radio waves for high-precision systems of nayedeniya
radio waves
radar-tracking system
control system
military application
R.P. Bystrov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, 3 Central Research Institutes Ministry of Defence RF and IRE of V.A. Kotelnikov of the RAS (Moscow)
E-mail: rudolf@cplire.ru
A.E. Gvozdev - Dr.Sc. (Military), Ph. D. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Researcher, 3 Central Research Institute Ministry of Defence RF (Moscow)
A.V. Nemtsov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Chief of Publishing Department, 3 Central Research Institute Ministry of Defence (Moscow)
Now results of theoretical and pilot studies of the carried-out actions of the Russian aircraft conducted in the leading countries of the world, and also feature show that broad development application of TGTs of range of radio waves will allow to increase efficiency of the existing radar-tracking systems of detection and guidance of precision weapons (WTO). However, it is noted that the Russian aircraft tests an acute shortage of means of targeting for use of precision weapons - actually only electron-optical Plane tree systems of the new front Su-34 bombers can play this role. Therefore locates in article that for increase of efficiency of such systems more and more important role in radar-tracking systems of guidance of precision weapons (WTO) together with electron-optical systems systems in short part of millimetric (MM) and long-wave submillimetric (SBMM) ranges of radio waves will find the broadest application.
Therefore in article in logical sequence the analysis is carried out and the main important questions in a wave band TGTs scope for new generation high-precision systems of targeting and management, also tendencies of use of this range of radio waves in many directions are considered at creation of various plan of the following radio engineering systems of mili-tary application with high resolution. In the conclusion, offers of the forecast of application of TGTs of range in radio engineer-ing systems of targeting of the WTO and other directions of military use of this range of radio waves, including as components of systems with high resolution and raised the information potential of various basing are given.
Pages: 25-36
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