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Journal Antennas №10 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Features of attenuation HF radio waves near the boundary of the dead zone
radio wave propagation
HF radio waves
the boundary of the dead zone
the attenuation
P.F. Denisenko - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Head of Radio Physics and Space Researches Department, Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Southern Federal University. E-mail: denis@ip.sfedu.ru
A.I. Skazik - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Head of the Space Plasma Electrodynamics Laboratory, Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Southern Federal University. E-mail: askazik@mail.ru
M.Yu. Kotov - Master Student, Southern Federal University. E-mail: mixail_ll_3961@mail.ru
A.I. Skazik - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Head of the Space Plasma Electrodynamics Laboratory, Scientific Research Institute of Physics of Southern Federal University. E-mail: askazik@mail.ru
M.Yu. Kotov - Master Student, Southern Federal University. E-mail: mixail_ll_3961@mail.ru
The new method of estimating the attenuation of high-frequency waves LS on the boundary of the dead zone from observations of the near field has been described. It is based on a comparison of the experimentally observed interference pattern of the field with the theoretically calculated one. The parameter optimization is the equivalent frequency of collisions which includes different forms of energy losses in the form of heat loss. It is found that the scattering of waves in the shadow zone, resulting in inflated by ten or more values of LS does not always work. In some cases there is an additional concentration of radiation of the nature that is not yet clear. During the observation period 20042011, the radio path to Moscow Rostov on frequency of 9.966 MHz revealed 7.5% of such cases.
Pages: 50-54
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