Articles by keyword почки
Spontaneous Formation of Structures and Chaos in a Ring Chain of Active Recursive Filters
V. N. Kornienko, A. P. Privezentsev, A. A.Revyakin
Endothelin-converting enzyme inhibitor promotes renovascular hypertension development in rats (1 kidney-1 clip Goldblatt model)
M.E. Ilatovskaya, S.I. Sofronova, V.F. Pozdnev, N.A. Medvedeva
Electrodynamic characteristics of chains of coupled multi-gap resonators of «a single multi-storey ladder» type for a new class of powerful low-voltage multi-beam traveling wave tubes with cross-extended type of interaction
Yu.V. Gulyaev, Yu.F. Zakharchenko, N.I. Sinitsyn, V.A. Cherepenin
Kinetics of Nitrous Metabolites in the Kidneys During Liver Resection
P.N. Savilov, D.V. Molchanov, V.N. Yakovlev
Strategic Planning for crime control through complex network modelling
V.V. Kashirin, S.V. Ivanov, А.V. Boukhanovsky, P.M.A. Sloot
Image processing algorithms in controlling a product geometry by the grid method
A.E. Sheryushev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Russian State technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky
E.A. Trunov - Associate Professor, Russian State technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky
Segmentation of scintigraphic images of kidneys with <sup>99m</sup>Tc-DMSA
N.А. Nikolov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev Polytechnic Institute», Kiev, Ukraine; Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunication Technologiesof, State University of Telecommunications, Kiev, Ukraine
D.А. Supruniuk - Post-graduate Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National Technical University of Ukraine «Kiev politechical institute», Kiev, Ukraine A.L. Kaminskaya - Ph.D.(Med.), Head of Department of nuclear medicine, Kiev Clinical Hospital № 14, Kiev, Ukraine
V.B. Chizhevsky - Student, Department of Physical and Biomedical Electronics, National technical university of Ukraine «Kiev politechical institute», Kiev, Ukraine
The study of correlations between the content of chemical elements in hair, liver, kidney, muscle outbred white rats
A.A. Skalny - Post-graduate Student, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg. E-mail: M.V. Melikhova - Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg. E-mail: E.Yu. Bonitenko - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Director, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg. E-mail: A.V. Skalny - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg; Director, Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orenburg State University», Orenburg. E-mail: M.G. Skalnaya - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orenburg State University», Orenburg; Senior Research Scientist, State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding», Orenburg. E-mail: S.A. Miroshnikov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Director, Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orenburg State University», Orenburg; Director, State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding», Orenburg. E-mail:
Matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in normal and tumors of the kidney
O.I. Kostyleva - Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow E-mail: V.V. Mushtenko - Post-graduate Student, Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow S.D. Bezanova - Post-graduate Student, Pathology Department, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow D.S. Mikhaylenko -Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Sechenov First Mos-cow State Medical University Senior Researcher Russia, Moscow N.E. Kushlinskii - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Member-Correspondent of Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow
Prediction of perioperative parameters of laparoscopic organ-sparing interventions on the kidney taking into account the surgeon's "learning curve"

V.N. Gridin¹, I.A. Kuznetsov², A.I. Gazov³, E.S. Sirota4

1,2,3,4 Design Information Technologies Center Russian Academy of Sciences (DITC) (Moscow Region, Odintsovo, Russia)

4 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russia)

Possibilities of texture analysis of 3D tumor models in patients with localized neoplasms of the renal parenchyma (pilot study)

P.V. Bochkarev¹, I.A. Kuznetsov², E.S. Sirota³

1–3 Design Information Technologies Center Russian Academy of Sciences (DITC RAS) (Odintsovo, Moscow Region, Russia)    

3 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russia)

Algorithm for selecting the threshold for detecting optical signals in passive location systems on spacecraft

A.V. Deiynov1, A.V. Pavlov2, A.A. Razumov3, V.S. Chudnovskii4, N.B. Haritonov5

1−5 JSC "Precision Systems and Instruments" (Moscow, Russia)