350 rub
Journal №11 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Kinetics of Nitrous Metabolites in the Kidneys During Liver Resection
P.N. Savilov, D.V. Molchanov, V.N. Yakovlev
In experiments on 98 mongrel white rats was examined the changes in concentration of ammonia, glutamine and urea in incoming and outgoing blood from the kidney , as well as in kidney tissue that occur after liver resection (RP, 15-20 % by weight of the body). Examination was performed on 3 rd, 7 th and 14th days after RP. It is established that RP causes arterial ammoniemia that persists for 14 days of the postoperative period, when found to increase absorption of «blood» ammonia renal tissue. As a result of the negative to normal (?0,022 ± 0,007 mmol/l) renal arteriovenous difference (AVD) on ammonia became positive (0,014 ± 0,009). Increasing of the arterial ammoniemia after RP is accompanied by increased excretion of ammonia in the urine at third and 14 th postoperative day, without causing significant changes in the concentration of ammonia in the blood of the renal vein. The concentration of ammonia in the renal tissue, increased in the third day after the RP to the 14th days of the study decreased and became 36 % below normal. RP causes the increasing of arterial giperglutaminema on 3rd and 14th day after RP, in the blood of the renal veins in the glutamine concentration increasing was noted during all periods of observation, which indicates on the stimulation of the glutamine proceeding from the kidneys. Depending on the length of the postoperative period this can be the result of reduction of deamidation glutamine in the kidneys 'blood' or glutamine formation increasing by the kidneys. Increased glutamine incretion of renal blood flow after a RP, explains the stabilization of its concentration in the renal tissue in the normal range at post-operative arterial hyperglucagonemia. At the second time, it explains the reduction to 0,137 ± 0,01 mmol / L AVD in kidney glutamine (normal ? (0,277 ± 0,028 mg / dL), detected on day 7 after RP. In contrast to ammonia, RP is short ( on the third postoperative day) reduction in urea excretion in the urine, which is accompanied by an increasing of the urea incretion from the kidneys to the bloodstream. Increasing of the urea incretion from the kidneys into the bloodstream noted on the 7 th and 14th days after RP. As a result renal urea in AVD positive within (0,77 ± 0,08), becomes inaccurate in 3 rd, 7 th and 14th days after RP. Preservation of high concentration of urea in the blood flowing from the kidney at the restoration of its excretion in the urine at 7 th and 14 th postoperative day indicates the stimulation of its formation in kidney tissue from further entering to the bloodstream.
Pages: 43-48
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