A.V. Deiynov1, A.V. Pavlov2, A.A. Razumov3, V.S. Chudnovskii4, N.B. Haritonov5
1−5 JSC "Precision Systems and Instruments" (Moscow, Russia)
Seasonality and location of fire-hazardous areas on the territory of the Russian Federation is of certain interest for operational control services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Lightning can be singled out among important sources of fires, therefore registration of lightning flashes on spacecraft is a topical problem.
The article considers the possibility of using, when registering pulsed optical signals on spacecraft, in addition to differentiating and integrating analog and digital filters, a built-in comparator with an adaptive and dynamically tunable digital threshold.
This method of recording optical pulse signals was used in the «Glonass‑M» spacecraft. Which made it possible to identify the areas with the greatest number of lightning on the territory of the Russian Federation, coinciding with the areas where large fires were observed in 2007.
The proposed algorithm can be used to determine the seasonality and location of fire-hazardous areas on the territory of the Russian Federation, so it is of some interest to the operational control services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
Deiynov A.V., Pavlov A.V., Razumov A.A., ChudnovskiiV.S., Haritonov N.B. Algorithm for selecting the threshold for detecting optical signals in passive location systems on spacecraft. Information-measuring and Control Systems. 2023. V. 21. № 2. P. 20−23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700814-202303-03 (in Russian)
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