350 rub
Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
The study of correlations between the content of chemical elements in hair, liver, kidney, muscle outbred white rats
A.A. Skalny - Post-graduate Student, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg. E-mail: scalny@rambler.ru M.V. Melikhova - Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg. E-mail: melihovamarina@inbox.ru E.Yu. Bonitenko - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Director, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg. E-mail: eu_bonitenko@toxicology.ru A.V. Skalny - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Federal State Institution of Science «Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency», St. Petersburg; Director, Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orenburg State University», Orenburg. E-mail: skalny3@microelements.ru M.G. Skalnaya - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orenburg State University», Orenburg; Senior Research Scientist, State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding», Orenburg. E-mail: skalnaya@yandex.ru S.A. Miroshnikov - Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Professor, Director, Federal State Educational Government-financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orenburg State University», Orenburg; Director, State Scientific Institution «All-Russian Research Institute of Beef Cattle Breeding», Orenburg. E-mail: vniims.or@mail.ru
Correlations between the content of chemical elements in the tissues outbred white rats-males was studied. The analysis of hair, liver, kidneys, myocardium and hip (thigh) muscle of the content of such macro and trace elements as Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Se was carried out by ICP-MS. The direct correlation between the content of Ca, Zn, Cu in liver, Ca and Zn in kidneys and Ca in myocardial muscle and fur of healthy experimental animals was found. From the results of the correlation analysis of the obtained data suggest that analysis of hair on the content of cal-cium, zinc, copper is an informative method to assess the status of these elements in a healthy organism of rats and reflects their active participation in metabolic processes. It is shown that the analysis of wool that accurately reflects the content of some chemical elements in the internal organs and muscles, which can be seen as the rationale of this test as a method of control of the content of chemical elements in organs and tissues.
Pages: 54-58


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